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How to Build an Adsense Empire!

Want to build an Adsense Empire that will bring you thousands of dollars a month? Who wouldnt? Its fast and easy and fun to do. Here are some very interesting tips for you to build that dream:

1. Find a niche. Whats a niche? A niche is something that everybody is looking for (hopefully with very little competition!). The competition isn't very much to worry about now though, because soon you will have all the tools it takes to build that ultimiate niche website.

Let's say you use overtures keyword finder tool and do a search on gardening. You will get 211,318. That means that over TWO HUNDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSAND people typed in the word gardening for that month. Thats a lot of people who want gardening stuff. What kind of gardening stuff do they want? Do a search on gardening tips, gardening tools, gardening equiptment, gardening supplies. You will soon get the idea that tons of people want gardening stuff. Find your niche. Pick something that gets tons of searches...How about gardening containers? I found that over 10,000 people searched for gardening containers. Wow! Thats a lot of people!

Cool you found your niche!

2. Find a cheap domain name website. When you go to choose your domain name, make sure it has the words gardening containers in it. This is a search engine optimization tip.

3. Find a cheap hosting website. You need a place to put your new niche website, the less you have to pay, the better off you will be. Hosting can run anywhere from .99 per month to over .00 per month.

4. Set up your website. Make it look real nice and make sure the links to all of your pages work right. If you dont know how to make a website, you should hire somebody to do this for you. This is not recommended though, because this could have you spending lots of money. A lot of hosting sites have website builders that you can use. These are pretty easy to use, but they may not give your website that professional quality that people are so used to seeing now-a-days. My recommendation is that you learn html, some javascript, and some css too. I know this will take awhile, but its better that you build your website yourself, then have to pay somebody to do it, then have them come in periodically to update it.

5. Set up a Google Adsense account. This is free and easy. It only takes a few minutes. Read their guidelines! Place your adsense ads all through your website.

6. Get the google keyword tool, its free. Do a keyword search on gardening containers. Put all the keywords you find in the keyword meta tag-this is located in between the HEAD tags on your website. This is another search engine optimization tip.

7. The TITLE tag is also in between the HEAD tag on your website. You should include the words gardening containers in your title. This is another website optimization tip.

8. For a little extra income, you might want to consider getting into a few affiliate programs. Find websites that have something to do with gardening containers and see if they have an affiliate program you can join, most websites do. Once you are approved for their affiliate program, (most of these are free, I would stay away from the ones that want to charge you money-thats rediculous!), you should take pictures from their websites of the products they are selling. Take the pictures that have something to do with gardening containers, of course. Put them all through your website with href links of your affiliate link back to their website. Dont send the links to their home page though, make sure the links go right to the picture that holds the link.

People are going to be more apt to click on a picture of a product they want to buy, than a banner.

Make sure you state clearly that by clicking on the picture they will be taken directly to the website you got the picture from. Dont have the browser open in a new window, this annoys people. Dont worry if they leave your website for a few minutes, they'll be back. Research shows that most people use the back button on their browser.

9. Submit your website to as many search engines as you can. Dont send your request more than once. If you do this, it might get you banned from that search engine.

10. Put relative content on every page of your website...

11. Build another Adsense Empire! The more you build, the more revenue you will recieve. Things will be slow at first, it takes up to 6 to 8 weeks for a search engine to crawl your site. It takes 2 days to a couple of weeks for article directories to approve your articles.

Hey wait! What happened to number 10? Its kinda skimpy, hey? Well there are a couple of options you can do here. You can either do tons of research on gardening containers, if you dont already know everything there is to know about this subject, or you could buy private label rights articles. Private Label Rights Articles are cool, because they are all written for you, all you have to do is put a link to your new Adsense Empire Website in the resource box. You may need to do some search engine optimizing with these articles, (put your gardeing container in the headlines, etc...), but they are the easiest route to go.

About the Author: For more information on private label rights articles, please go to:
This article may be reprinted provided that the resource box and all links remain active.

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