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How To Choose A Highly Profitable Niche - Even In A Downward Economy

Visualize building a website targeting the wrong niche only
to find out after months of search engine optimization and
internet marketing that your idea may be too general and
rarely holds the interest of your visitors and makes it
hard to earn money after spending hundreds of hours of your
own time. What a nightmare!

Well this was me a couple of years ago. I created several
websites and spent hundreds of hours of my own time and
hired programmers to create scripts for credit card
processing. Only to find out I could not make any money.
None of my visitors purchased my products and I felt
completely lost in the internet jungle. With all the hype
of making money on the internet and after spending
thousands of dollars buying training material from so
called internet guru's I still could not get it right. What
did I miss? Does this sound familiar to you?

Finally by trying lots of different ideas I magically hit
the correct formula. I built a very popular website on
trucks and to date earned over ,000 from this. How did I
accidentally discover this success? I tried building more
websites only to fail again. Did I just get lucky? Could I
duplicate my success again?

Most people underestimate the importance of getting this
first step of choosing the correct idea when first starting
a website. Only to find out months later that their idea
cannot make money. After months of researching I finally
discovered the magic formula of long tail marketing i.e
profitable niche markets. When you understand this process
completely you can duplicate your success every time you
build a website and save yourself countless hours of wasted

Brainstorm some ideas on paper. Find topics that interest
you like fashion, gardening or fish to name a few examples.
If you can't think of any ideas look at the newspaper,
shops in malls, yellow pages, tv or do a search in Google
for general ideas. Don't worry about your keyword research
yet. At this stage you would like to find a unique angle on
your chosen idea. You want to give your visitors a
compelling reason to visit your website and return.
Preferably choose an idea that you already know a lot
about. If you choose an idea that you are not familiar with
you will be forced to hire professionals on Elance or
similar websites to create content for you. Unless you
already making significant money I do not recommend doing
this. Rather keep your costs low when you first start out
and create the content yourself.

Once you found a good idea (examples swordfish, organic
gardening, bonsai trees) you need to do your keyword
research. The importance here being that you would like to
build a website that gets significant free search engine
traffic from your chosen keywords but at the same time not
too competitive. You can use the Overture Inventory Tool.
In my opinion a profitable niche keyword searched 15,000 to
45,000 times a month with virtually no competition rates as
the best keyword to use. You can also use the Wordtracker
tool to check the competition on the keywords. You can
check the amount of ppc adverts on Google and once you
discover a keyword with virtually no competition will
become your goldmine. You also need to look for similar
keywords related to your theme that you can build your
website around. Say for example if you chose truck bed
liners as your profitable niche keyword you can also create
content on keywords related to this like spray on bed truck
liner, pickup truck bed liner, rhino truck bed liner etc...

After choosing your keywords you need to create your
content and monetize your traffic using contextual
advertising like Google Adsense, affiliate links or by
creating and sourcing your own products.

You need to test your completed website with ppc marketing.
You can use Google Adwords and do an initial test and send
200 visitors to your website to see if the traffic converts
into money. If not you need to improve your sales pages or
layout to improve your conversion statistics. Once
satisfied with your conversion and that you can monetize
your traffic you can start on your search engine
optimization process that will take at least 6 months and
years of consistent white hat optimisation. After
completing this step you will generate cash with free
search engine traffic for years to come. You can build your
virtual real estate by duplicating this process with other

Make sure that you follow the steps outlined here. It will
save you thousands of hours in wasted emotion and heartache
when building a profitable niche.

About the Author: ===========================================

Why do some people know the magic formula for building profitable sites?

Mark Abrahams has created the ultimate blog with secrets to generate multiple streams of internet income.

FREE Details:
==> Internet Affiliate Marketing Secrets


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