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Affiliate Programs – The advantages of being an affiliate

I am a strong believer in the value of affiliate programs and believe that the best way to start an internet business is to become an affiliate of another program or to join a network marketing company. Why? To learn as much as possible from your sponsor(s) and make use of all the free advice and tips you will receive from them.

When you are eventually ready to start your own business you will already have a lot of experience and knowledge (that you obtained for free!) that will give you a huge advantage and save you a lot of money and time.

By the way, there are many very successful internet marketers that earn all of their money through affiliate programs and network marketing programs.

If you find a great affiliate program where you can make a lot of money and you decide to stay with the company instead of starting your own new business then good for you! If on the other hand you want to start a new business of your own then you would have at least learned a lot from the affiliate program, and hopefully made some money as well in the process.

The biggest mistake people make is to jump all the time from the one affiliate program to the other without taking the time to learn and understand the program and system. There are many programs on the internet. If you are going to leave what you are busy with every time you think you have discovered a better program then you will never learn anything.

Take your time to learn and be patient. I can assure you that you will not become an overnight millionaire following any affiliate program. Like any other business it takes time to build a successful affiliate business, even with the support and training you may receive.

I tend to look at things very logically. If something does not make sense to me I rather avoid it.

Consider the following:

You develop a great product that you want to sell for on your website. It might have costed you thousands of dollars to develop and many many months of hard work with no income while you were developing your product. You are finally ready to launch your product. Since you are only one person with one website you realize the need to establish an affiliate program where you can have hundreds of affiliates promote your company and get thousands of people to buy from you. In order to get affiliates interested you must pay them between 20% and 50% of your sales price or gross profit.

I don't know about you but the above scenario looks like a lot of very hard work without any guarantee of success. The thought of it certainly does not get me excited.

Now consider the following - You join the above company as an affiliate and earn say 50% commission on all sales. You do not need to buy the product and have no investment in the company. You can start to sell the product from the 1st day you become an affiliate and make a lot of money. In fact, the company will make 50% and you will make 50%. You have no risk and can walk away from the program anytime you wish. What a pleasure! This is what I like the most from affiliate programs.

Remember that not all affiliate programs are good. Many of them only offer products that you would not want to give away for free to your mother-in-law. Furthermore, the support program and training offered is not always top quality.

I do not know about you but I cannot promote any product or service that I do not understand or do not believe in. You should always be able to sell the product to yourself. If you would not buy the product because you do not believe in it then please do not promote it to other people as the best product out there. You will sleep a lot better at night!

Remember, if you want to become a money maker with your own home based business, ultimately it is up to you to make a success of the program.

To your success !

About the Author: Francois du Toit is the owner of, a website designed to help new entrepreneurs succeed by offering free advice, help and guidance on how to become a successful money maker with the right business opportunity or opportunities while working from the comfort of your own home. Visit to subscribe to the FREE Newsletter and receive a FREE copy of The Affiliate Masters Course, and 10 Powerful Secrets to Make Money with Adsense in 2007

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