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Newbies, Niches and Products

One of the first issues a Newbie marketer on the Internet faces is what to sell. In fact this is one of the smallest problems a newcomer to eCommerce faces. Far more serious is the usual lack of marketing know-how. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Back to “Products”!

One of the many places to find products to market on the Web is Clickbank. There are over 10,000 products in the Clickbank marketplace .

It is a great place for Newbies on the Net to find products to sell.

After deciding to follow the Affiliate Business Model which is the simplest and most appropriate for newcomers or Newbies we need to choose which of these 10,000 products to sell. The general advice is to choose to sell something that we know about, something we are passionate about. This could be products relating to golf, home decorating, coin collecting...whatever.

There is an important warning I want to give here. For some reason I do not understand many newcomers to internet business start selling products about Internet Business! This is clearly absurd. Internet Marketing courses are being sold by experts in the field such as Joe Gracia, Marlon Sanders, Mark Hendricks, Kevin Wilke etc. These people are professionals in Internet Marketing and it is not in the least bit sensible to pit yourself against them. Focus on what you know, whether it is gardening or rock climbing. You are an expert in your niche.

When you build a business on a passion the work will be enjoyable and you will not be clockwatching. You will be
able to inform readers about news in your niche, review products knowledgably and write a newsletter (honest!) on
something you feel passionately involved with.

Then we focus on an area within that activity. Not golf but lady’s golf, not home decor but home decor fabric, not just coins but Nineteenth Century American Coins. You have found
your niche!

Important Wealth Warning!

It is crucial to avoid attempting to sell across a broad range. It is common for Newbies to think that if they put up a site with a range of products a visitor is bound to find something appealing. This is common and this is wrong.
You have to be Wall-mart or Amazon or one of the other giants to succeed at that game.

The Newbie must find their niche.

Next we check if it is a worthwhile niche on which to build a business.

1. Use a search engine, msn, Google whatever. Do a search on your niche. Do you find lots of interest? Are there magazines and clubs? If so there is probably enough money in the niche for you to make money.

2. Back to that search engine. Again is there lots of activity? Are there plenty of adverts? If so the people in your niche are reachable on the Net

3. Look in Clickbank. If there are good selling affiliate products you have sufficient reason to continue.

What we want is something that is selling well in Clickbank preferably in the top ten or twenty.

4 Is the price right? In the beginning you do not want to pick a product. It is best that you start with a low cost item which may be much easier to sell, say or .

5 Lastly look at the sales pages for the product. does it convince you? Is it easy to understand and easy to buy? Many sales are lost because the would be purchaser finds it difficult to find the right information on the sales page. Next you should buy it. You cannot promote or market with integrity if you do not know the product. You also need to be totally aware of the purchase procedure since you are about to send many buyers (you hope) through this same process.

If you are pleased with the product and think its good value for money, you have found your first product to promote.

Next you need to learn about marketing! That is where the money is made and that is what you need to know in order to sell your niche products. Now is the time to seek out Joe Gracia and Marlon Sanders!

About the Author: Alex Newell taught Information Technology in a Community College in London, UK for many years and is now teaching Newbies to Internet Business how to shorten their learning curve to make a living online. Learn Internet Business

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