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How to Select Men’s Fragrance

Men are often challenged in some cases even overwhelmed at selecting a proper men’s fragrance. What should I buy aftershave, cologne, Eau de toilette? Contrary, to what some men believe, it is not that difficult to select the proper fragrance, once you understand each fragrance’s function and your personal needs. Often times, you may need more than one type of fragrance as your daily needs will vary.

To get started, you must understand the differences between cologne, Eau De Toilette (EDT) and aftershave. No, it is not all the same, even though it may appear both cologne and aftershave have a similar fragrance in the bottle, in reality there is a difference. Aftershave is designed to use after a man shaves. Aftershave, closes the pores and may offer an intense sensation after its application. Not to worry, this is the result of the aftershave closing the user’s pores.

Always remember, cologne’s scent is always stronger, and last longer than aftershave. Cologne is used as a fragrance to give a person a pleasant scent. The term EDT is a common term used in Europe, where cologne is a more commonly used here in the states. Thus, cologne and EDT are the same.

Next, you must understand that a fragrance is composed of many layers of scents. These scents are broken down into groups of scents known as top notes middle notes, and bottom or base notes. Top notes are usually light spices, fruity, citrus or minty scents that disappear after about ten minutes after application. Middle notes are usually middle spices vanilla, cinnamon, woodsy, and heavier citrus scents such as grapefruit or orange that last for about an hour. Lastly, the fragrance contains bottom or base notes. This is the “mature” fragrance, the scent that you will be known for after you leave the room. The bottom or base notes are composed of stronger scents: long-lasting leathers, woods, tobacco, and heavy spices such as peppers and cloves.

Lastly, it is time to select the fragrance that you need. Never buy a fragrance after just smelling the fragrance on someone or just smelling a sample sprayed on a scent card. The reason behind this is two fold. First, the scent changes after it matures. Second, and more importantly, all fragrances do not smell the same on all people! The smell created from fragrances is a result of a basic chemical reaction between an individual and the fragrance once it is applied. Since each person has different body chemistry, when the fragrance is applied, the reaction or “scent” may be slightly different than someone else who wears the same fragrance.

So how do I buy the right fragrance? Smell the fragrances on smell cards, once you determine that you may like a fragrance lightly apply it to a pulse point your wrist, neck or chest. Smell it in intervals, of ten, sixty, and ninety minutes. This is done to smell the fragrance in different stages of its reaction with your body’s chemistry. If the scent is one that you like and one that you would wear than purchase it either at the store or on the internet. You may chose to purchase both an aftershave, and cologne as your needs, and desired strength of fragrance may change based on what your particular needs are for the day.

About the Author: Zackary Hayes is a fragrance consultant at

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