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How to get any woman in 10 easy steps

Be aware of these 2 words; Differences and Decode both in the last paragraph, they hold some of the answers that you are looking for. Sometimes when you are able to see further or think outside the box, you can get any women that you want with ease… too good to be true?

Let's start.

1. Inner Game, it's what you are, your thoughts, it is what you believe about your self, this is the most important aspect that you have to consider, if you believe it, it will become real. How many times have a lot of races been lost without even starting, everything is in your mind, you need to believe that you are amazing, that you are someone who deserves all the best on this earth. If you could repeat that in your mind 10 times a day, like a song in your head, you will see some amazing changes. High Value is a concept that you should keep in mind, you are high value if you believe that you are high value, it is not about money or looks, High Value is a powerful concept, every time you are in any interaction think that you are the person with higher value.

2. Beliefs to project, if you can imagine yourself 5 years from now, how do you see yourself? The same?, Worse?, Better?, You need to close your eyes and picture yourself with the best car, the best woman, the best job, live the moment, enjoy it and then open your eyes, do this exercise every night for 3 weeks, you will see how things start changing. What you believe is what you are, you need to believe that you are the most confident guy on this planet, don't look for excuses, maybe your brain will bring some negative thoughts to mind. Stop them. Believe that you are the best of the best, that your time is valuable, that you deserve an amazing woman, that people should respect you, believe it!, if you believe it, people will believe it.

3. Body Language, at the beginning you can try to change your posture, please take a sad posture, put your head down and try to smile and say "I am happy", it is not good isn't? now stand straight look up smile and say "I am very sad", your state is affected by your body, and your body is affected by your state, try to change your posture, use more space when you sit, take all the space you can, open your legs, don't cross your arms, change the gesture of your face, smile. If you mix your body language with your believes that will make a powerful combination that people will feel on you.

4. Personal Appearance, groom yourself, get the best clothes, the best haircut, cut your nails, try to look your best, it doesn't matter what you look like, believe me, attraction is not based only in looks, it is based in attitude and confidence but an important factor is grooming, you will get more chances to get a quality woman if you improve your aspect a little bit, if you can go to the gym, if you have a hobby go for it, do it with passion, with the mindset of a winner, buy the best after shave ever, go and ask any woman what is the best after shave around, they will tell you, even if they are just random girls on the street. It is very important to have good shoes, go for the ones that you like or go and do shopping with a female friend, they are experts, remember improve your appearance, that will make you feel good and everybody around you will thank you for that.

5. Outer Game, we started with your self to make a strong base that can not be taken down, when we talk about Outer Game, I am talking about external factors where you don't have too much control over the outcome. Your actions will get a response and the only one responsible for them is you (ouch!) but be intelligent, if you want to say something don't say something straight away, think about it, you need to set you mind in FUN mode and then your life will be different. If you are approaching women or you are on a date please keep in your mind that it is your time, and that you need to have fun. What ever you do, what ever you say is your outer game. I am not talking about pick up lines, I am talking about the way how you talk and get a reaction, positive or negative. The best advices is read some women magazines and try to be aware of their content, go and ask for a "female" opinion about that subject and carry on with the conversation. You can be direct if you want but always keep your value for you.

6. Story telling, there is a big difference in saying "I went on holiday and it was nice" and saying "I had the most amazing experience that I have ever had in my life, 2 years ago I was planning to go on holidays and I couldn't, so last year I got the chance to go to this amazing place where the sea is so blue and the sky makes you feel that you are flying it was so incredible that I couldn't leave that place for 3 months…."…did you see the difference, use your imagination, your senses, compare situations with past experiences, there is nothing more magic than taking your listener to the same location where you have been only with words. Use stories for anything, but remember words are only words if there is not passion behind it.

7. Humor, a lot of people ask me how to be funny, the answer is; you know how to be funny, do the same things that you used to do when you were younger, the things that you do with your friends, use the same jokes, enjoy yourself, do you know what is funny, everything !!!, you can make fun of everything, being funny is knowing how to use words or concepts in a way that it is not right, so if she says "I love riding horses", you can say "we just met and you are talking about sex already!", change the reality, imagine that she is trying to hit on you, make fun of any situation, over-size it, misunderstand it, enjoy yourself, this is about you, not her.

8. Physical Escalation – Seduction, rule number one, the 1st thing that you are going to do after hand shaking is telling her something about her hand shaking, ask her to give you her hand again, that is the beginning. She must get used to being touched by you, then tell her anything and touch or tap her on the shoulder, look for any excuse to touch her, that will make her feel comfortable with you and if you are going for the kiss it is going to be easier as her brain is not sending alert signals. DO NOT touch her sexually after 15 minutes as it will feel weird, remember touch her hands ask her to read her palm, say anything, pretend you know what the lines mean, make fun of it. After all that touching it is going to be easy to escalate, ask her about what perfume she is wearing, go close to her neck smell it, touch her ear and tell her that her earrings are nice, next time that you are close to her neck bite her (softly please) tell her you couldn't resist, when she is ready to be kissed, don't kiss her stop, PUSH – PULL, kiss her, Stop, don't use your tongue yet, be patient, don't touch her to much around those "areas", wait, when her breathing begins to be faster start touching then stop, all is push and pull…

9. Sex, same theory push and pull, kiss her, then push her, stop, kiss her, around those "areas", breath over those areas, enjoy the sexual tension, she wants more but you are the one under control you say when and where, go down on her, take your time, try to find her G-spot, take your time, pleasure her, then when she is all wet, go for it, but slow, at the point that she is going to beg you to put it inside, take your time, relax and give it to her, be half animal on this one, control, control, control, you say which sexual position, DON'T ask, turn her, do what you want, she will enjoy it, and she will remember you, they want a real man, a man who has everything under control.

10. Feedback, at every stage give yourself feedback, think what could be better next time, try to find better ways to do the same things better, there are millions of women on this world, you don't need to suffer for only one, meet people , enjoy life and as a little bit of advice wear a condom !

I would like to finish taking about 2 more points that will put all together:

Differences, if you can take some time to try to look for what makes us different and start using that against any social rule, that will take you far. For example emotional reactions, women are known to be emotional beings, you know that, I know that, so use that in a way that you can take advantage of that, if she becomes emotional DO NOT react, look at her and smile, don't even think of saying something nice to her, wait, and you will pass the test.

Decode, learn why they are doing that, women are testing men all the time, like "can you buy me a drink?" that will reduce your value, she is testing you, or "please can you give me a lift to this place", say NO, when you say NO, they will react different towards you.

Maybe you are saying to yourself “that will make me look like a bad boy", “that is not me”, I'm not asking you to change your personality, I am asking you to understand how women operate, if you want to continue your life feeling the same and getting the same "luck" don't do anything, but all in life is based in evolution, in a change, in learning and trying to be a better human being.

Try to work on each point on the list, but you have to understand that it is NOT about them they are NOT the ones who are choosing, you are the selector, if you keep that in your mind you will see the world from a different perspective.

About the Author: James DeMarco is one of the Directors of The School of Seduction, they run Seminars, Bootcamps, and Workshops to improve male success with women. They also take their students on field and demonstrate how to approach women. The School is based in London, England but their expansion plans are Worldwide. For more information go to

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