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Am I addicted?

A question that pops up in your mind when you do a certain task very regularly with you understanding so as to why you are doing so in the first place. I have noticed in many situations that people never realize that they are addicted until they are told so. So how do people react when they are termed as addicted? A very obvious emotion seen is fright, or worry. Addiction is considered to be a disease that can't be cured. However, just like a coin addiction can be viewed with two different perspectives. A positive addiction is similar to a good habit that voluntarily or involuntarily done by a person. At the same time a negative addiction is just like habit that causes damage to self or others in a physical or psychological way.

Ok so I am addicted, can you help me? The answer to this question is NO. There are no drugs or special herbs that would come in handy in this situation. So how do I cure myself? The answer is in that question itself, i.e. I, yes only you can cure yourself. Learn to use the word NO; it's a small word with big impact. You have to be strong in your mind, don't let your sub-conscious mind control you but you control your sub-conscious mind. Whenever you are tempted to do one of those addicted tasks, be strong, understand the fact that it is wrong, and finally refrain from doing it. You may have mixed emotions in you mind that instance but don't you ever overlook the fact that you are now so proud of yourself, for saying NO, to all those addictive tasks.

Isn't that like so simple, so what is the catch? I spoke to few addicts, after they understood this procedure they agreed to follow it for a month to start with and then they would give me feedback on it. The day of the feedback I realized that many could successfully follow the procedure only for a week or even less, many very easily lied and later confessed, and there were some who just preferred continuing being an addict without even trying to see the other side of the world. Yes, it isn't as simple as it sounds. Controlling your sub-conscious mind isn't very simple.

So the question arises, how do I control my sub-conscious mind? Do I take relaxants or any other drugs? No don't need to start taking relaxants; you cannot stop one addiction by starting another. The idea out here is to always be in your conscious mind and not let your sub-conscious mind control you. You should be in peace with yourself; yes this is one very important thing. I would recommend yoga in the morning; a small session would do the trick. When you meditate I want you to remember all the good things that happened to you, all the bad things that happened to you, how would that change you, how would respond to things, this way I want you to reflect on your past, and cure the wounds, so that your past positively influences your present. When you do this exercise regularly, it also presets you in an active mode when you start your day, rather than a passive mode.

As they say, winning someone's trust is hard, but keeping that trust maintained is even harder. This phrase also applies in our situation too, as coming out of an addiction is hard but maintaining that life long is even harder. So let us see some sarcastic do's and dont's. If you are tempted towards an addictive task, don't feel bad that's just human, but you saying NO is just divine. For every addictive action, there is an equal and opposite guideline. If you feel defeated, complaining would just not help, just work harder. If they call you a geek because you quit an addiction, times are changing, geeks are cooler now-a-days. Every person in an addictive state tends to remain in that state unless an external force is applied to it.

I would like to conclude saying, be strong and stay strong. It is hard and it even gets harder, but its totally worth it.

About the Author: Jhalak Jerajani has invested numerous years of her life understanding psychological issues, their cause, their solution, and how they tend to affect humans. You can also read more of her articles at Bharathi Shriyan's Astrology.

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