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Adjustable Bed Shopping Tips…Perfect Bed, Perfect Price
By: Emmanuel DeFreitas Is there anybody that does not absolutely adore making that perfect shopping decision? You buy the perfect item at an unheard of perfect price. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could get that adjustable bed you’ve had your envious little eyes on for quite some time at an amazing price. Not only would you enjoy that deep rejuvenating sleep on your new adjustable bed, you would also be able to watch your friends turn green with envy at your shopping prowess. You would be hailed as a shopping dynamo…a market wizard…a master negotiator…a lord among peons. The bragging rights alone would help you sleep better at night even without your adjustable bed. How will you accomplish such a deed? By keeping yourself focused on the job at hand and shopping with your head instead of your eyes. The first thing you need to do is make a concise plan and follow it regimentally. Internet sites like this one are treasures of information. There are a lot of adjustable bed manufacturers out there, all proclaiming to have the best deal since the island of Manhattan was purchased from the local Indian population. Do they all provide the same value for your dollar? Of course not. How do you know you are not getting ripped off? By taking the time to research the adjustable bed market as thoroughly as is humanly possible. In order to find the perfect adjustable bed, you must narrow your search criteria to the exact type and features within a specified price range. Do not get sidetracked by the Monster Sales Event schtick. Is there anything in North America that is not at least 20% off (Oh, sorry…I forgot about gas prices)? Little known adjustable bed manufacturers may offer beds that are similar to the better-known brands (Craftmatic, Leggett and Platt, Tempur Pedic etc.) at a lower price, but, are you really getting the same quality? Probably not. One major advantage you have on the Internet is the ability to see everything that a particular adjustable bed manufacturer makes. You can get exact measurements, see the different styles and features, and see them in a natural bedroom setting. If you come across something that you like, you can usually order the catalogue and have it sent to your home. Talk to friends, family, fellow workers, at least the ones you can trust, that have similar adjustable beds to get a better feel for the product. Check out consumer reports on adjustable beds from a reputable source like the BBB. Look for testimonials on the Internet that are not fake and sponsored by the manufacturers. Do not leave your home until you feel that you are armed with all the information you will need to get your hands on that adjustable bed bargain. You will then be ready to head out into the marketplace and find a local store in your area that sells the adjustable bed you have decided to buy. If you need help, check out my link to a searchable database of U.S. Adjustable Bed Merchants that covers every town in all 50 States. Sorry Canada, I haven’t found a similar database for you yet. Once you know which stores you are going to bless with your presence, remember to organize as many notes and information that you have gathered and TAKE IT WITH YOU. If you rely on your memory you will most definitely find that it will let you down at the most inopportune moments. The rest of this adjustable bed treasure hunt is up to you. Sorry but I do not give tips on bargaining. You probably are better at it than I am anyway. Be confident in the knowledge that you go forth armed with the most potent weapon known to man. Information. With the information you have so painstakingly acquired, no adjustable bed salesman has a chance. Good Luck. About the Author: Emmanuel DeFreitas is the administrator for Adjustable Bed Center providing detailed information on electric, medical, cheap, and used adjustable beds, as well as adjustable airbeds and adjustable bed reviews. http://www.adjustable-bed-center.com