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Numerology: nine and ten

Numerology:nine and ten

From the desk of Laurence Magne, author of

Number nine: it is the greatest single digit within the Decad. It is the limit to which the generative principles of number reach. It is the finishing post and that which brings completion. It is considered thrice sacred and most holy, representing perfection, balance and order, the supreme superlative. It is the final number to have a specific identity. It is the highest attainment to be achieved in any endeavour. It is the unsurpassable limit, the utmost bound, the ultimate expression manifest in the world. It is the boundary between the mundane and the transcendental infinite. It is found all throughout cultures, myths and traditions. For instance, the practice of repeating a phrase of prayer three times three enforces it with sacred intention and is the ultimate appeal.
Beyond nine comes a new cycle. The word ‘new’ derives for the Sanskrit word of nine, nava, later Nova in Latin. A novena is an act of worship over a period of nine days. To learn about your own numbers and how they apply to your life, visit
There are few ninefold structures in nature, and where found, are associated with birth: the tail of the sperm half-cell is made of nine twisted threads. The association of the square and the cube with the number nine tells us that the principles of the Ennead are linked with those of the Tetrad, archetype of the ‘earth’, materialization, configuration, form. Nine represents the ultimate expression of birth. The mythic labyrinth is also built on the principle of nine, and represents the weave of the world. It symbolizes the initiate’s passage through the world, from profanity at its periphery to redemption at the sacred centre.
The nonagon is a nine-sided regular polygon. The enneagram is a simple way of looking at whole events as an outer sequence with hidden inner connections. It shows the organization of any whole event in terms of its essential principles.
Each encounter with the number nine in math and myth shows it surrounding or enclosing and binding the essential elements of any event into a whole. It represents a zenith of possibilities for number and the full duration of measure. With nine, the world’s powers are exhausted, after the first nine months in the womb, we are ready for birth into life beyond which we have known.

Number ten: ten takes us beyond the realm of number itself, above the fray of ordinary numerical interactions and geometric relationships. It is a new beginning, a journey into limitlessness. It is a recapitulation of the whole. It holds within itself the two parents of numbers (one and two) and their seven children (three to nine). Ten is a portrait of the whole family of archetypes gathered together, displaying each of the principles. Ten represents a synergy, a whole greater that the sum of its parts, beyond the threshold of number itself.
The Decad flows back to unity, becoming a new Monad. Multiplying any number by ten is like multiplying it by one. The result is essentially unchanged, but brought to a higher level, an expanded version of itself. It is the Pythagorean perfect number, symbolizing both fulfilment and new beginnings. The decimal counting system is based on the ten fingers of our hand, which is the classic foundation of all counting methods.
The Decad is found in many traditions, including the Tree of Life of the Kabalah, the ancient Egypt with the Pyramid Texts, the Sufis, the Buddhists.
In the Pythagorean school, the Tetraktys consists of ten points or pebbles for examining simultaneously all ten archetypal principles of number underlying the geometry that manifests itself as nature. It served as the basis of natural science and philosophy. It served at the core of mathematical teaching. Its four levels show the number of points in space of zero, one two and three dimensions, defining all possibilities of point, line, surface and volume. It is a complete summation of three-dimensional forms because it holds the geometry of all five Platonic volumes which divide space equally in all directions. The Pythagoreans realized that it represented an ensemble, a unity, a summing up of the whole, that comprehended the completeness of mathematics and the archetypes which manifested themselves as the visible forms of the world. In theoretical physics, it can be summed up as a Theory of Everything. It is found all through the plant world and the animal kingdom. Cathedrals are built on its design in the French Gothic tradition, cathedrals being the greatest symbol of Divine manifestation in the world and in of spiritual regeneration and return to the Divine within ourselves.

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