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Top Five Tricks: How to Reel Them In

Men have shared with us here at Sugar Daddy Babes what gets them attracted to a girl's profile. Read on to see their tips and suggestions on how to really work it online.

1. Never Reveal Too Much
You aren't an open book, and you don't need to be. Sometimes the best way to attract your Sugar Daddies is to keep them guessing. A little mystery goes a long way, so flirt and keep a few things to yourself. When you're getting to know your man, you'll have more to reveal and to discuss if you kept a secret or two in the beginning.

Our Hint:
One perfect way to get a guy interested without revealing too much starts at your username. Guys want something that shows a little personality — not a random grouping of numbers and letters. Use a cute nickname or clever saying for a little added personality. Avoid anything too romantic or cheesy, though, like "Looking4Romeo" or "ImJuliet". Men find that to be too much!

2. Photo Tips and Hints
Your picture may be the first thing that guys look at, so try your best to keep it as intriguing as possible. Try to keep the photo at a reasonable size for viewing - not teeny-tiny and not screen-sized - but something that you expect from your potential suitors as well.

Before you know your Sugar Daddy well, it's important to keep things tasteful. Some men—particularly older ones - are keen on finding a girl with class. Save your wild side for later. Most older men aren't interested in someone who seems to be an exhibitionist at first glance, but someone who intrigues them. Choose one photo that highlights what's right but keep things as nice as you can. It's often more alluring than the real thing - so keep them guessing.

What if you're not comfortable posting your photo? That's okay, too. You'll simply need to make up for the lack of a photo with personality and a truly interesting profile. When you get to know one guy well, you may feel more comfortable sharing your photos.

General hints and tips:

• High quality photos in a substantial size will send the message that there's nothing to hide, and you're totally comfortable with yourself.
• Don't have you photo look too "posed". It's always better to look comfortable and as though you're having a good time, not that you are super serious or boring.
• Avoid photos in a bikini, thong, or low-cut shirt. It's probably not going to send the right image to your man, so save them for later!

3. Keep Your Self-Confidence High
When you are looking for your own Sugar Daddy, consider yourself your own publicist. It's easier to find a partner if you really feel good about yourself. If there are some aspects about yourself that you may feel uncomfortable or insecure about, don't lie — just go for a positive slant.

Our Hint:
Nothing is sexier to your Sugar Daddy than good old confidence. If you're between jobs, don't consider yourself unemployed or (even worse) unemployable. Think of answers that make you feel good about yourself but that aren't far from the truth. They will add to your appeal.

4. The Juggling Scheme: Keeping Balanced
Men love a woman with interests. In the search for your Sugar Daddy, don't forget about the personal interests that make you stand out in a crowd. Work on your photography, cooking, or language skills — just don't forget about what makes you tick!

Sugar Daddies want a cultured woman, someone with skills to set her apart from the crowd. You may not think that your interests are special, but it's essential to mention what's important to you, be it modern dancing, politics, fashion, art, sports, or literature. You'll add a little mystery to yourself and give your Sugar Daddy something to remember you by.

5. When to Back Off
Sugar Daddies can be busy men, so sometimes it can be to your advantage to give him a little space. Don't overwhelm your potential partners with too many messages or pouncing as soon as he's online. While it's important to maintain interest, you don't want to scare anyone away, either. Maintain your cool to keep him coming back. If you play your cards right, he will.

No matter how successful you are in attracting your Sugar Daddy, it's best to stay reasonable. Narrow down your potential Sugar Daddies down to a key few, because if you try to correspond with too many at once, you'll end up sounding strained. You run the risk of sounding uninterested — or the least intriguing of the bunch. You've got to attract your Sugar Daddy the best you can, and following our tips can definitely help you out.

About the Author: Sugar Daddy Babes

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