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A Healthy Penis – 6 Simple Tips Keep Your Libido Strong

There are many products that claim to increase libido and keep your penis healthy, however a healthy penis and strong libido are normally a reflection of overall lifestyle.

Many men look for miracle cures, when they should be looking at changes in lifestyle. These changes become even more critical as men pass the age of 40.

Lets look at 6 simple liefstyle changes that can help you

A healthy penis and overall health

The human body is a totally integrated organism, it is virtually impossible to have a healthy penis if there are health problems elsewhere.

Al healthy penis means, one without erectile dysfunction (ED). ED is not yet perfectly understood, and most studies are inconclusive if the causes are physiological or psychological, or both factors working together.

A healthy penis and testosterone levels

As men age, it is proved that the level of testosterone in the blood slowly decreases.

This is a main cause of libido drop and if libido can effect erections, it is then a cause of ED.

Check yourself, and see if any of the following symptoms apply to you.

Do you have sleeping problems, hair loss, become tired quickly, gaining weight, depression, become irritable easily, Sweating and flushing without physical activity?

So, if your testosterone is dropping, there is no way to have a healthy penis, and you must resort to the new generation of ED drugs (Viagra, Cialis, and so on) which may work, and may not and have unpleasant side effects.

Getting an erection with an ED drug does not mean your penis (or you are healthy) Also, if your state of health has deteriorated, you veins and arteries are not open as they were when you were young, so your ED may be caused by a slowdown / breakdown in your circulatory system.

A healthy penis 6 rules for increased libido

For both levels of testosterone and your general state of health, you can follow the easy rules below.

You will be healthier, and it will show with a healthy penis and a more virile you

Rules 1, 2 and 3 are MUSTS!

1.If you smoke, stop now. Smoking damages every part of your body, especially the circulatory system, and introduces dangerous chemicals directly into the blood.

2.You need physical exercise, and every day. It is estimated that you need at least 30 minutes of strenuous exercise daily as a minimum. To get testosterone levels up naturally, put yourself on a good weight lifting program. See your doctor first, and then ask a professional trainer to give you a special program suited to your body type, age, and physical condition. The testosterone levels will rise naturally. This is a proven fact.

3.Diet. If you are overweight, your penis will pay the price, along with your heart and every other critical organ. Eat plenty of fruits (in season only), and vegetables, lots of roughage (in the form of cereals), and meat sparingly. Your weight will drop naturally (without a formal diet) and you will notice your libido returning and your ability to satisfy it as well.

The next rules are SHOULDS; so keep as much to them as you can.

4.Moderate your alcoholic intake. Do not over-indulge in drinking. Hard liquor sparingly, and wines and beers with great moderation.

5.Find good vitamin and mineral supplements. It should contain most or all of the following: Vitamins A, B, B complex, C, D, and E. From minerals, look for Chromium, Selenium and Zinc. From protein, L-arginine. From enzymes, DHEA. From natural herbs, look for Damania, Dong quai, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Gotu kola, Horny Goat Weed, Hydrangea root, Pygeum, Sarsaparilla, Saw palmetto, and Wild yam.

6.If you are alone, masturbate. You need to ejaculate often, and through masturbation, the chemicals and reactions required for keeping your penis healthy are put to use. Done properly (as in the technique called jelqing) the result is, if nothing more, an improved circulation to the penis, and use of the prostate gland for more than just continence.

A healthy penis final words

Remember the state of your penis is a good indication of your own state of health. Follow the rules above, and at any age, you will find increased testosterone in the blood, better circulation, relief from many symptoms that may now plague you, and of course, a healthier penis.

About the Author: More FREE Information

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