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Self Defense-Comparing Stun Guns and Tasers

People get confused between stun guns and tasers. Part of being an informed consumer is knowing the differences. The differences between the two are very important for you to know because the one you choose (either one) could save your life. While both are effective non lethal self defense weapons the similarities pretty much end there.

The goal of these non lethal self defense weapons is to incapacitate an assailant to allow for escape or to subdue the assailant. They both are effective in achieving their goals but do it in different ways.

---STOPPING POWER Stun guns have an effectiveness rating of approximately 86%. Some people who are very aggressive or on drugs can avoid the effect of a stun gun. A taser has an effectiveness rating of 100%. In pre-release tests of 4000 subjects not one person was able to overcome the effects of a taser. A taser has a higher incapacitation rate than a 9 mm handgun without the side effects. Tasers can penetrate 2" of clothing.

---ENERGY TRANSMITTED A stun gun transmits from 80,000-975,000 volts with 7-14 watts of energy. A taser transmits 50,000 volts with 18 watts of energy. It is the wattage that makes the difference here.

---DISTANCE A stun gun must be applied to the assailant's body. A taser is effective up to 21 feet away. Please note that for every seven feet from the target there is approximately one foot of separation between darts.

---MUSCULAR AND NERVOUS SYSTEM Stun Guns affect the nervous system. Tasers affect the nervous and muscular system.

---COST Stun guns range in cost from -80. A taser model M18 costs 0. The model M18L with a laser sight costs 0.00

---SIZE Stun guns can be as small as 3" and fit in the palm of your hand or as big as 8.75 ". A taser is the size of a normal handgun and weighs 18 oz.

Both stun guns and tasers are highly effective non lethal self defense weapons that have great track records of success in stopping assailants. The differences between them are important for you to know because they both save lives. The one you choose could save YOUR life.

Chances are very good that you are reading this because in some way crime has touched your life or you want to be proactive and protect yourself, family, home, or business from the ravages of crime. That is the first step.

About the Author: NOW the next step is for you to take action TODAY and purchase a runt stun gun or taser. Look at our selection of self defense/ home security products at and both of which provide real "Security Solutions".

Check out his new website:

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