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Home Security-Prisons Overflowing-Business is Booming!

According to the headlines today from AOL, the United States leads all countries in the world in the numbers of people incarcerated for crimes at 2.2 million- more than even China that has a population of 1.3 billion 4 times that of the U.S. It is so nice to be number one in something…but this?

The incarceration rate is 737 per 100,000. Most industrialized countries are at the 100 per 100,000 rate. One in 32 Americans were incarcerated, on parole or probation-7 million total. Business is indeed booming.

The article clearly pointed out that nearly 2 million of those in prison on parole or probation were for drug related charges. Most countries treat drug offenders differently than the US accounting for the huge difference.

What does this mean for the rest of us? Drug related crime is on the rise. Home invasions, burglaries, theft, aggravated assault, rape, the list goes on and on are all on the increase mostly because of the drugs.

In 2004 the Bureau of Justice reported that:
-77% of all crime was property related
-17% of all crime domiciles were violated by a burglar
-85% of all burglaries the offender gained entry into the house or other building.

According to Bureau of Justice statistics 17 percent of women can expect to be raped in their lifetime. In 2004 for every 1000 people there is one rape or sexual assault, two assaults with injury and 2 robberies-that’s a one in five chance that you are going to be next.

Statistics show that every two and a half minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. And while the numbers show an increase the scary part is there are still 39 percent of rapes in 2002 that went unreported for a variety of legitimate reasons ranging from embarrassment, fear, or shock.

So what does it all mean? It means that if you own a home or rent, if you go about your normal daily business that more and more, you are at risk of being the next victim. Be prepared! Know how to defend yourself, your family, home and business.

CARRY and KNOW HOW TO USE personal non lethal self defense weapons such as pepper sprays, stun guns, even personal alarms. Have some available at your house. Train your family in their use. Become proficient in their use so when the time comes to use them it will be second nature.

DEFEND YOUR CASTLE from home invasions and burglaries. Remember the old saying "MI CASA ES NON SU CASA". The "UNWELCOME" mat should be out for everyone to see. Make your home an unwelcome target for the bad guys by advertising that it is not a good target for them. Get some home alarms and surveillance cameras.

The Crime Business may be booming but you do not have to be the next victim. Take care of business by defending yourself, your family, your home and business

Chances are very good that you are reading this because in some way crime has touched your life or you want to be proactive and protect yourself, family, home, or business from the ravages of crime. That is the first step.

About the Author: NOW the next step is for you to take action TODAY and purchase a surveillance camera and some personal self defense weapons. Look at our selection of self defense/ home security products at HTTP://WWW.SECURE-AT.COM/HIDDEN-CAMERAS.HTM and both of which provide real "Security Solutions".
Check out our new website at

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