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How can you build trust with your customer to close more sales?

How can you build trust with your customer to close more sales?

There is no doubt in sales, the first thing to do is to know your customer. Building rapport with him enables you to close the sale easier later on. There are a few tips to take home on building that rapport.

1. Firm Handshake

It does not matter if you are giving a handshake to a person you just met or an old friend, a firm handshake shows your sincerity. People wants to do business with sincere people. A firm handshake is the first impression you can give to your customer. You want to show your customer that you are sincere in doing business with them.

A firm handshake also means you are confident and sure of yourself. You will want to project a confident image to your customer. No one will want to communicate with someone who is not confident.

2. Smile

What can be the best weapon to build trust with your customer? Yes, that simple. A sincere smile from you. It has been proven that a smile can break all hostility. When two person is arguing angrily, and suddenly one of them smile broadly, it's so amaze that the anger just disappear.

3. Eye contact

To reinforce the smile, look into your customer's eyes when you are smiling. Whenever I looked into my customer's eyes, I start to feel how he felt. I am able to listen to him, and I really mean listen. When you contact with your customer's eyes, a connection is formed. You begin to feel how he felt and vice versa. Trust is being build when you look into his eyes. This is a powerful way of building rapport.

4. Observe

You may want to observe subtly about your customer and his surrounding. If you were at his office, observe any special items in his office. Examples like, trophy, photograph, badges, paintings, etc.

If they are in your office, observe their clothing or any special badges they wear.

Strike a conversation using those special items you found. Those things shows you the true self of your customers. It shows you something about your customers social life. Talk about their life, be interested in their life.

There was once I went to the customer's office, and I saw lots of photos of her in different countries. After asking, I knew she loves to travel. And our conversation goes around travelling. We even share common topic on the countries that we both had visited. Every now and then when I called her, I will always asked her which is the most recent country she had visited.

About the Author: Joe and Adrian are enlightened entrepreneurs starting their business in an out-of-the-box way. Started with less than and generated more than ,000 in the first month. They believe in training and self-improvment. You can visit to find out more about their idea.

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