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How Much Is Your Home Worth? Ask Your San Diego Realtor!

As you prepare to sell your home, the main question on your mind is “How much is my home worth?” Your San Diego realtor can assist you much better than the web sites on the Internet with their “home worth” calculators or even the price being asked by a close neighbor.

Your realtor takes many factors into consideration when determining the asking price for a home. Here are the major factors your realtor will evaluate:

• Type of Residence. The type of home you are selling will make a difference in the pricing. Is it a primary residence, secondary, vacation home, or rental? How it has been used in the past could impact how your realtor markets your property or how potential buyers will use it.
• Type of Property. The value will differ, depending if the property is a single family home, multiple family home, townhouse, condominium, manufactured or modular home, or a mobile home.
• Size of the Property. Is the size of the land a city lot, a ½ acre, full acre, or several acres? The more land, the higher the value. The position of the property makes a difference in the value. For example, a corner lot can bring in a higher selling price than one in the middle of a block.
• Square Footage. The approximate square footage of your home is factored in; otherwise, how much living space is there?
• Overall Condition. Your realtor will assess the condition of your home and property, which will greatly affect your selling price. The realtor also will make improvement suggestions that can increase the value of your property.
• Architectural Style. If you home was built in a style that is in great demand, the selling price will be higher than if built in an outdated style that is not in demand.
• How Old Is the Home? How long ago your home was built can affect its value.
• The Numbers. How many fireplaces are there? The number of bedrooms and bathrooms (including half baths) also can raise or lower the home’s value.
• Parking Facilities. Garage, carport, off street parking, parking on the street, or a combination of these is an essential feature for buyers. Your realtor will evaluate how many cars will the available parking accommodate?
• Type of Heating and Cooling. How is the home heated — electric, natural gas, oil or propane? What type of air conditioning does it have? What is the quality and condition of the units, how old are they, and what type of maintenance has been done in the past?
• Basement. Whether there is only a crawl space versus a basement affects your selling price. Other features your realtor will evaluate is a partial versus a full basement, and whether it is unfinished, finished or partially finished.
• Other Home Features. Some other features your realtor will look for are a den or study, the amount of closet and storage space, the amount of kitchen cabinet and pantry space, and whether there is a pool, a guest house, and tennis court.

It is important to note that your realtor is viewing your home objectively. He or she is not tied up in the emotional attachments you have to your home, but rather looking at it from the perspective of the potential buyer. Additionally, some of those pricey improvements you made may not translate to a higher selling price. Many such improvement costs are rarely recouped from the sell of the home.

The Housing Market

After assessing your property, your realtor will take a closer look at your neighborhood and what its location has to offer. For instance, if there has been any bad publicity in your area, the value of your home may drop, especially if the publicity concerns a serious crime. On the other hand, if your home is located near some truly great schools with high scholastic achievements ratings, your home value could improve, as well as give you a great marketing edge.

Lastly, your realtor will assess the current housing market for your area. It used to be that you could locate a similar home in your neighborhood that had sold recently, add a ten percent increase, and you had your selling price. Home prices in the San Diego area, as well as in 75 other metro areas in the nation, have skyrocketed and are now on a slow decline, which makes for a volatile housing market. A poorly priced home means it could sit on the market overly long, ensuring you will have a difficult time selling it at all. Thus, it is even more important at this time to use an experienced realtor.

Ultimately, the buyer determines the actual selling price; however, an experienced realtor can ensure that you get the best price for your property and the fastest sale possible.

About the Author: John Harris is an expert researcher and writer on real estate topics such as economics, credit improvement tips, home selling advice and home buying preparations. For more on San Diego Homes for Sale visit

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