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How To Create Your Own Original Info Product In Less Than 1 Hour

How To Create Your Own Original Info Product In Less Than 1 Hour

Hello, It's Michael Silvester here from

Many marketers will tell you that the real money on the internet is to be found through the creation and marketing of your own info products. That may well be true, but who has the time to create a 40-60 page eBook and then market it? What if there was an easier option? An option that enabled you to compile a high quality 40-60 page info product in just a few hours, and normally in less than one.

The easiest method of info product creation in under an hour is by compiling free reprint and private label articles together into an ordered manual. This is my favourite method because it enables you to create an info product at lightning speed, of excellent quality and you get to learn and have fun at the same time.

The first thing you need to do is choose a niche topic to base your info product about. Once that’s chosen, create an outline of information you want to contain in the eBook. The outline need not be detailed as you can always add to it later on.

Now that your outline is created, you should have a general idea of what information, hence what articles you would like to include in your info product.

The next step is to open your favourite article directory and pluck articles that fit your outline and paste them into your eBook. The most important thing you must do here is to add the author’s resource box at the end of the article. Avoiding this will lead to you getting into a lot of trouble and it’s really not worth it.

You should now have a 40-60 page eBook of other author’s articles compiled into a tidy info product, with the author’s resource box, a list of chapters and all legal disclaimers in place. You should have also added a few sentences of your own at the end of each article which leads the reader into the next article.

An alternative to this method is to use private label articles instead of free reprint articles. This means you will no longer have to include other authors’ resource boxes and you can edit the content in any way that you like.

These eBooks are excellent for selling because they are a compilation of some of the most experienced and respected experts in their fields and your eBook will contain more information than the majority of your competition.

The first time you utilize this method, you should be able to create an info product in about three hours, but as you master the skill and continue to produce more and more hot selling eBooks, you should be able to create an eBook in just under an hour.

About the Author: Michael is the owner of and he has a FREE Report that Reveals...
"How To Build An Ultra-Targeted and Hyper-Responsive List...That'll Send You Money Like Crazy" Go to his website to get it free!

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