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Link Popularity Strategy For New Sites

The major factor for success on the Internet is link popularity. If you have good link popularity it can increase traffic to your web site by bringing high ranking on search engines. It is quite difficult task for a new site to build link popularity which has just born here we will discuss what strategy a new site should adopt to boost link popularity. First of all let's understand the meaning of link, link popularity and link exchange.

What is Link and Link Popularity?
The link (hyperlink, or Web link) is a connection from one web resource to another. Internet begins with the hyperlink and a person go from one page to another page by clicking link. Links are the buttons and underlined text on web pages that take you to other pages on click.

What is Link Popularity?
Link Popularity means how much you are known on the internet which can be measured how many sites or web pages linked to you. Link popularity is a measure of both the quantity and quality of sites that link to your site. Link Popularity is the number of quality hyperlinks pointed to your website.

What is Link Exchange?
In Link Exchange basically, we exchange links - you add my link to your website and I will add your link to mine. It is a barter system give link and in return get link .By exchanging links, with theme based sites or authority sites you can increase your websites link popularity and which will results into increase of your website search engine rankings.

What are new site link exchange problems?
For new sites it is quite difficult to get linked with other sites. Even the google takes the site for indexing if it has got few inbound links from other websites. Google says "The best way to ensure Google finds your site is for your page to be linked from lots of pages on other sites..."

In one of the reason for site not listed Google has explained:
"If we have not picked up your site and it has been several months, then it is likely that our spiders are not able to find your site. If you increase the links pointing to the page, Google will likely find your site in the future. "

It is clear that your site will not be listed on Google quickly. Search Engines usually takes news sites very fast if you are linked by other popular related web sites. New site will also not get reciprocal link from other sites because of non popularity or 0 PR (Google Page Rank).

Link building strategy for new site owners

Now what strategy should new sites adopt to get started on the Web? Here are the few one, which will work.

  1. Get Listed on Free Top Web directory
    Try to get listed on open directory project DMOZ ( and also submit your site to Yahoo! by visiting Be sure to follow their guidelines for listing. The important free directories in addition to dmoz are:

  2. Get Links for Your Associates
    Try to get link from your associated or friends web sites. If you are in business you can get link from your dealers or business associates. It will also help you in getting theme bases links. In initial stage you can take link from your friends and relative web pages or site although they may not be theme based but at least search engine like Google will find your link and index you.

  3. Free Site Submission Tools
    There are lot free site submit tool are available on the Internet. Use them to get listing as for the new site owner it is difficult to find the important search engines. Be careful and do not submit many time to same search engines as they may consider repetive submission it Spam. Further try to keep away from FFA pages as they are treated as 'link farms" by search engines and listing is penalized.

  4. Join Discussion Forum
    The Discussion form is another media to get inbound links. Join the Message Board which is related to the theme of your site and if you are expert in your field you can reply the many threads. Be sure to include your URL in your signature and also anchor text to be linked with URL should be your site Keyword. If the message board allows it, you can even include a short promotional blurb about your site at the end of your posts. Even if you do not post try to add your url in profile and it is also an inbound link and is important if from your theme based Forum. Try to add your details i.e city, country name, interest and occupation in profile as it will make your theme based pages where all contents are related to you.

  5. Email based discussion
    Email based discussion lists, which are archived on the web in static HTML pages can also be used to boost the link popularity of your site in a similar manner. In this case, the signature file that you use with your email program should contain the URL for your web site.

  6. Reciprocal links request low page rank sites
    The New site faces difficulty in exchanging link with high Page Rank Sites. It is better to start exchanging link with sites which are related to your topic or theme of your site even they may have low Page Rank. You will see that there page rank will increase with the time and you will gain.

  7. Link Popularity through Awards
    Try to join the award sites. There are many sites which open contest or award of good site design or good content site you can apply for it. If you get a chance to which your brief site content will be published on Award site, which will increase your link popularity.

  8. Major Industry Associations
    There are many industrial association sites which publish free listing of there sites. Just find the association site relating to your products or theme of site and get listed.

  9. Signing of Testimonial
    Lot of website ask to write testimonial and also add your URL. Just study the site and write brief genuine testimonials about the website. If you will be able to write good, genuine testimonial you are sure to get listed there with your comment. Do not sign guest books with vague comment just to get link.

  10. Discount Offer
    You can offer a discount or concession on your good, products and services to anyone who put a small banner or text link back to your site.

  11. Affiliate program
    Set up an affiliate program, which is an excellent way to boost link popularity. Your affiliate members will put there affiliate code on there sites which will contain your URL and your will get theme based inbound link.

  12. Free Netcard
    Try to make free netcard available on the Internet and your complete detail to make your full information page and inbound link is also important as it is your business card on net.

    It is always said better beginning is half done. So if new site adopt the above method to increase link popularity they are sure to build good page rank in the beginning and latter on all higher page rank web sites will be ready to exchange link with you and will result into building of solid link popularity for your site. You should not expect results (Increase in search engine ranking) so fast. Wait for at least 3 month till search engines index you all full site pages.

    About the Author
    The Article is written by IndiaBook Team specialized in link popularity building and link management. Visit SEO Company India for more information. Learn More about Link Popularity building Expert Services.

    Copyright information.... This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit SEO Articles for free search engine optimization and SEO articles, tutorials and tools!

    About the Author: IndiaBook provides India SEO Services, India Search Engine Optimization, India SEO Company, SEO Services, Link Building India, SEO India, Top Search Engine Positioning, Improve Positioning, Web Site Registration, High Ranking Indian, Placement and optimization Services by SEO Company, seo services, seo optimization, seo expert, seo ranking

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