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Car Shows across America

Looking for something a little different? While millions of people enjoy all the fun and excitement of going to car shows, there are still so many others who have never been to one. They may be wondering or asking themselves what’s so special about Car shows. Well, what they really don’t understand is what a car show is all about and what the attraction to is.

Car shows are not just for men, today you will find families that really get excited to visit most any car show that comes to town and there are plenty of people that you can count on to drive out of state just to see one. Therefore, what are these car shows all about? Well number one, car shows let us go back in history to see and learn about some of the first cars and trucks that were ever in production. It’s really educational for both kids and adults to marvel at the craftsmanship and early automotive technology. You might say that Car Shows are as American as “Baseball, Hot dog’s, Apple pie, and Chevrolet”.

Of course, seeing all the cool cars is very exciting, but that’s just the beginning, as you will find wonderful food and refreshments like some of the tastiest outdoor barbeque you ever tasted. There are plenty of vendors that will set up at the events, cooking special grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, some yummy Chili recipes, hey don’t forget the cotton candy and snow cones. Most car shows sport some fun entertainment; you just might be surprised to find some famous band jamming all day long with some of your favorite hits. In addition, the fun heats up even more during the evening with some dancing and people getting their fill of their favorite beer.

Now, for the car owners it brings them great pleasure to show of these works of art, they may have taken years to restore. Many of these cars were found in the scrape yard, beat and rusted away and for most people that took a glance at one they would never even attempt the task of restoring it, thinking it would be like mission impossible. There’s plenty of work, time and money that goes into restoring all the cars you get to enjoy at these great car shows. Car owners may actually look for months and even years to find an original part they need for the car and these parts usually carry a hefty price tag due to the scarceness and the demand. By the time the car owner has finished restoring his car the cost can be mind boggling and you might be thinking why do they spend this on these cars?

The answer is simple, while it’s true many of the car owners are hoping to sell their car for a profit, if you interview them the most common answer would be, I love this car and dreamed of owning one sinceI was a kid. Is there more to car shows? You bet there is, Car owners love to hear from the people who attend them, how beautiful their cars are and the owners are happy to tell you all about their machine. Now, when it comes to judging these cars, the competition is always challenging as every car in the show is awesome and when the judges finally make the final vote, you can bet every car owner in the show is crossing their fingers to bring home the prize.

If you have never been to one of the car shows across america it’s never too late to check your local area, to see when the next one will be in your town. You will see all types of cars and trucks than you could ever dream of like the vintage Mustangs, and cool corvettes, old muscle cars, antiques, classics and don’t miss seeing the old model-T. If you catch the right car show, you might be lucky enough to see some famous cars from the Bonnie and Clyde era and the roaring 20’s. They are wonderful to see and provide spectacular fun and entertainment for the whole family. So don’t miss this American tradition, get your motor running and join the fun.

About the Author: Dennis is the owner of Mr. Car Quote and will help you find the best New and Used Car price quotes.

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