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Marketing An Online Business Suited To Your Needs

There are two reasons on my mind right now that elucidate my own hypocrisy. The first is really nothing more than the simple recognition of something that isn’t very well hidden. The second takes off where the first left off. But, it has to do with a belief that I hold. I feel that a lot of people hide behind unacceptable behavior by just acknowledging that it exists.
“No, No, I know that I’m a totally jealous person, but that’s just me.” Is one that I just heard last week.

“I agree, she’s insane and really rude, but that’s just her personality.” This one seemed like it was prerecorded and was played back to me on a daily basis during my formative years.

My thought is, “Yeah, that is you, but jealously is ridiculous, counterproductive and lame. So, now that you know it, do something about it or bring yourself to the pasture and ask someone to do you a favor.” And, “Yeah, you’re right, her personality is one of an insane and rude person.”

Improving oneself has a couple of steps and the last one isn’t acknowledgement. Do something about it. But, then, here I am with my hypocrisy…acknowledging and accepting.

Next, I’d like to illustrate my hypocrisy. I say that the reason that I have potential problems with advertising is that its fundamental function is convincing people to do or buy something that they don’t want to. That does sound bad. But, then the new receptionist at my work got hired.

She is quite charming. I was trying to get a read on her and then tailored my responses based on the instantaneous single person market research I was conducting. I was engaging in exactly the same manner as that which those marketers, promoters, and advertisers do.

It appears that this is but one example of how I and many others continuously act in ways with the ultimate goal of having someone do something that they may not know they want to and would like to. Everything from subtleties to all out deceitful behavior is not the exception, but close to a rule with they way that we interact with each other. I am as absolutely guilty of it as anyone. But, an equally severe charge against me is that I deride these actions in others, yet acknowledge it in myself, and continue unchanged. So now what will I do? I am not proud to announce exactly what every marketing business that I write about will.

About the Author: Miguel Ruiz is an experienced internet author with many published articles in many different languages. Check out Oportunidades de Negocio and Ideas de Negocio for more.

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