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Pixel Advertising: Life after Death

Pixel advertising continues to change as it evolves from a fad to a useful advertising tool for targeted markets. What started with “The Million Dollar Home Page” by Alex Tew has continued to morph into something else. Many have proclaimed that pixel advertising is dead. They state that it was a fad and nothing more.

Now it is definitely true that as soon as people saw Alex Tew making an easy million dollars they all wanted to make some easy money too. This created an instant wave of copycat sites trying to capitalize on the very trendy concept of throwing up a pixel page and hoping people would respond to it just like they did with The Million Dollar Home Page.

Of course, this was not to be the case. Alex Tew was the inventor and with his fresh idea came the reward. But, it was not as easy for the followers and copycats. Many of these sites have come and gone with little to no fanfare.

What is interesting to see now is that many people have taken this creative concept and adapted it to specific niches. For example, someone trying to raise funds for a worthy cause can use a pixel site to help generate income in a unique and fun way.

Other people have created pixel sites that are targeted at specific markets where people with common interests can advertise and find resources for the subject of their interest.

Instead of pixel sites dying out completely as some have suggested, new pixel sites are sprouting up daily capitalizing on this unique way of generating interest, income and advertising possibilities across a broad spectrum of industries and ideas.

Is pixel advertising dead? No, it is definitely not dead, but rather is adapting to the current landscape and carving out a unique way of driving traffic and helping raise funds for different types of organizations around the globe.

About the Author: Mike Harader is an expert author who writes on various topics including Pixel Advertising, Pixel Ads, and Pixel Sitesas well as other related and non-related topics.

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