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How To Get Free Search Engine Traffic

What I am about to share with you is the method that I personally use and it never fails me. I am involved in the Google Adsense program and the only way that I can make money from them, is to get people to go to my websites. When they do, the goal is to get them to click on one of those ads by Google. You see them everywhere these days. My websites don't sell anything at all. In fact, the only thing that is on there are articles accumulated from the article directories throughout the internet and the Google Adsense ads. I also have an RSS feed on every one of my websites to ensure that I have fresh content on a daily basis. The search engine robots just love to spider sites that have fresh content on a continual basis. An RSS feed is the best way to do this as it happens on auto pilot. Every day, there is something new for the robots to spider and I didn't lift a finger.

Since I am basically selling information and not a product that you can buy, the only realistic way that I can advertise, is through the search engines. Not the Adwords program, as I would lose my shirt there with this kind of website, but the free search engine results on the left side of the page. No other kind of advertising will work for my websites as they are stictly informational websites. I figure that since 97% of the people on the internet are there looking for information versus looking to buy a product, it just makes sense to me to have an informational website rather than one hawking a product. But there's no reason you can't do both.

For example, let's say you put together a fishing website with about 400 to 500 pages of articles on fishing. Each page will be indexed by the internet robots and each page will be rich in keywords for whatever each particular article is about. Since each one of those hundreds of pages each have their own sets of keywords, it gives my website thousands of keyword opportunites to be clicked on.

Now we're down to the nuts and bolts of how I get my sites ranked quickly and usually on the first or second page for the search results. Anything lower than that decreases your chances of even being seen. Now my website as a whole may not have a high page rank, but each of it's pages and corresponding keywords will.

Assuming that my website is optimized properly, I need a way to attract attention to them so the robots will spider them quickly and rank them highly. Forget registering them with Google, as they are so behind the ball in that area that it would take months for them to get to you, and then there's no guarantee that they will index you at all. Here's how I do it.

I simply write articles and submit them to as many article directories as possible. I have about 150 sites that I start out with. Each one of these 150 sites have a page rank of 7 or higher. These article sites or content directories exist for the sole reason of having articles submitted to them so other publishers and webmasters can pick them up, put them on their websites, syndicate them through RSS feeds, include them in their ezine, and so on. When the robots spider the content directories they find my articles and are basically forced to spider my site also. In my article I have my URL in the Author Biography. After they spider my site, my site is now indexed and ranked by the search engine. Get enough of these high traffic, high quality sites with backlinks pointing to my website gives my website more credibility and establishes me as an expert in that category in the eyes of the robot. Of course, when I submit my article, I make sure that I put it in the appropriate category. You wouldn't want to put a fishing website in the health category as it would not give my website any relevance, and the directory would refuse the article anyway. What this will do for me is increase my link popularity, which is one of the parameters that the search engines put high priority on. Since those backlinks are from high quality, high ranking websites, it gives my website more points in the eyes of the search engine and my pages shoot up to the top of the search results.

Believe it or not, I have written articles, placed them with those 150 sites and achieved a page rank of 1 or 2 on numerous keywords in as little as a week. I get a kick out of going to my hosting account and looking at my stats page. This tells me how many hits I've had and even tells me what keywords were used to find my site. I then click on that link and it takes me to the same google search results page that the customer went to and you can plainly see what page you're on.

That's it in a nutshell. I used to consider myself an internet marketer. I now consider myself to be a free lance writer, after all, that's pretty much what I do day in and day out.

This works folks. I was shocked at how fast it worked when I first started doing it. Now, I expect it to happen. I used to read about writing articles for promoting a website and never put much credence in the idea. No more! As an example, one article I placed had 813 backlinks to my website in just 15 days as webmasters, ezine publishers, and RSS feeds picked it up. My website has been spidered 920 times since then. Most importantly, my page rank went to the first page on about 50 keywords and my traffic has surged upward. Talk about Viral Marketing! That website is on acne and prior to submitting the article, my page rank was nowhere to be found.

In summary, build your website by collecting articles, the more the better, which will establish your site as an authority on that particular theme. The more articles you have, the more keywords you will have to attract people. Make sure it has a site map, not only for your customers but also the robots. This makes navigation easier. Then add an appropriate RSS feed to each page that is relevant to your theme. The robots just love fresh content, like I stated earlier. Avoid putting images on your website as this really slows down the download times. You don't want the customer to hit the back button because your website is loading slowly. If you must use an image, limit it to just one on your header. If you have a product that you are selling, put it on each article page. You basically wind up having a website that has very high keyword density, a ton of content, high keyword relevance, and high link popularity as a result of submitting your articles to the content directories. The best thing though, is your articles will be picked up by other webmasters and put on their websites. The directories will also syndicate your articles and put them on their RSS feeds. Again, each article has your URL for your website in the author's bio. I have submitted articles and had them picked up by hundreds of other sites. This is truly viral in nature. Your articles will spread out throughout the internet like a virus would. When that happens, it gives your site more link popularity and your page rank will go higher.

There's a fantastic software program that I use that makes this process go much faster than if I had to submit articles manually. Even though I am an affiliate of this particular piece of software I'm not going to try and sell one to you, as I want you to believe me when I say that this method will work for you and that I know what I'm talking about. My purpose for writing this article is to get the robots to spider my website, increase my link popularity, and hopefully give you some good advice along the way that will help you in your own promotional efforts. My purpose is not to sell you a piece of software and you won't find it on my websites either. The software is called Article Submitter Pro. Do a search for it and you can buy it from someone else.

I wish you much luck and I sincerely hope that this information will be of benefit to you.

About the Author: David Dorrough is a retired educator, having taught at several major universities. Today, he is active as a free lance writer and is heavily involved in internet marketing as an Adsense Publisher. You may view his latest website on Website Promotion at

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