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After Sex Etiquette For Better Sex
During the moments of intimacy, often rules and barriers are forgotten to passion.
However, when these moments are over, there are some very special actions that should be taken, if nothing more than for the sake of politeness. This is called, after sex etiquette.
A Difference in Men and Women
After an orgasm, or a sexual encounter, a man will come down to his normal levels of breathing, heart beat, and hormones very quickly.
A woman however, will return to hers very much slower. For a woman, the lovemaking session ends far later than it does for a man. In fact, even if the woman had experienced an orgasm, she could, at some additional stimulation, reach quickly another orgasm.
With this in mind, the man must (and indeed the woman as well) follow the basic rules of after sex etiquette.
The Four Big Donts
After sex, it is advisable not to:
1. Jump immediately up and run to the bathroom, leaving your partner alone during the cooling off period
2. Turn to one side of the bed and immediately sleep
3. Make any sarcastic or joking remarks about the previous moments
4. Check your mobile phone for messages or missed calls
Doing any of the four actions above immediately after sex shows an overall lack of sensitivity, manners, and good judgment.
Certainly the Golden Rule comes to mind here, as much as in any situation, but one of such close intimacy requires thinking less of yourself and more to the other person.
After Sex Etiquette
When the climax is reached and ended, do not rush to do anything but stay close to your partner.
You can softly mention how much you enjoyed what was done, and how good you now feel. Even if its necessary, wait a few moments before leaving the bed for the bathroom. Maintain body contact.
If its evening and you are very tired, do not immediately turn to sleep.After Sex Etiquette For Better Sex
Enjoy more intimacy by embracing your partner and give (and receive) more mutual caresses.
Refrain from any humor that can be misinterpreted. Keep your comments simple, use terms of endearment (even if you really don't mean them...but create the impression of caring and loving), and do not try to be clever.
After the moments of such closeness, it is not the time nor place.
Forget for a while your mobile phone. It might have been ringing during your intimacy, and there may indeed be messages and records of missed calls. It can wait for 15 to 30 minutes more.
These simple rules will show not only your good manners, but also that you are sensitive to your partner's needs and feelings.
On Continuing
Should your session of intimacy have the chance of continuing, these rules will aid to fulfilling that chance.
Not only that, but your good after sex etiquette can insure that chance can turn into something more spectacular than the previous session.
Remember well the old maximum that manners make the man (or woman). Nothing could be more appropriate than in after sex etiquette.
Article written by Mark Jones.
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