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Costa Rica and Religion
Religion in Costa Rica is extremely visible. Religious icons and symbols can be found in all public buildings, in all public transportation vehicles, and in almost every home in Costa Rica. At first glance, one might think that Costa Ricans are deeply religious people, but their religion is mostly symbolic in nature and secularism is rampant.
About the Author: Costa Vista Land (http://www.costavistaland.com) is 'developing paradise' in Costa Rica. The company buys raw land in large quantities after they have thoroughly surveyed and researched all details. Because of this, Costa Vista Land acquires their properties at discount prices and develops them in less than 18 months. Hence the unique program in which you can obtain developed land at undeveloped prices and why company President, Brad Hogan says, "We are an investment company first and a land sale company second." Parcel choices range from valleys to mountains, to beautiful coastline property. This lucrative program comes with 100% money back guarantee. Everyone is encouraged to visit Costa Rica, stand on their property and see the beautiful country they have invested in. While visiting, the company pays for your accommodations, meals and transportation.