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The Day I Got to Finally Leave the Kiddie Table

While growing up small children often try to emulate various adults. This emulation could be of their parents, older siblings, or various entertainment figures from TV. Many times they try to participate in grown up activities but seem to always be exiled to the kids table of life. But those times where the children do get to participate in their first grown up experience it becomes a momentous occasion in their life. These occasions could include: talking on the phone for more than a few seconds; mailing their first letter or e-mail; playing a game that is not Candyland or Chutes and Ladders. Any type of activity where the child is not a child but an equal participant will leave a lasting impression on their life. It seems that all of our childhood is spent trying to become and adult. Then, when we become that adult we spend the rest of our adulthood trying to recapture that childlike lust for life (but that is a different story for a different time).

For me, I always wanted to sit at the big kid table and play the big kid games like Phase 10 or Skipbo. However, I was never old enough to play and therefore I was not able to participate in any of the games my older siblings where playing. My older siblings were always so cool and I desperately wanted to be just like them. The first time that I was able to move from the kid’s game table to the adults was the greatest day of my young life. I worked so hard to learn the rules and was on my best adult-like behavior. I felt like I had become an active participant in my family circle and that I had passed through some sort of rite of passage. In fact, this was such an important day in my young life I kept a Skipbo card from the deck and wrote the date on it.

In the Catholic Church, the first Holy Communion is a day that means a lot to the child and to the whole family. The child has reached the age of reason and is finally able to participate in a wonderful sacred religious ceremony. As parents, you have taken part to help prepare your child for this occasion and have watched your child learn and grow. Now your son or daughter has taken part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and their first Holy Communion. This momentous occasion is an important step on that path of adulthood for your child. Participation in the first Holy Communion is like a symbolic moving from the kids table to the adults table. The child is now able to be an equal participant in Church services. There has been much study and schooling in the process of preparing to participate in the Holy Communion. Now, the day has come and they are joining a spiritual rite of passage and creating a kinship with not only their family of their home but their family of their faith. Of course, with the wonderful kinships that are being built, a day that is for you and where you get all those cool communion gifts really help accentuate the excitement of the day.

Whether it is a literal move from the kids table to the adult table or a symbolic move, those instances in our lives have shaped us into who we are today. Those rite of passage moments help unite us with those who were involved and those bonds will be lasting. Often times we will reflect back on those times and possibly take out that Skipbo card or that communion outfit and remember how our sense of needing to belong was fulfilled that day. I know that I will never forget that day I was able to leave the kiddie table behind me and finally make my first steps toward becoming an adult.

About the Author:

Taryn Martin is a Client Account Specialist for 10x Marketing. For some great ideas on first communion gifts be sure to check out Crown Crosses.

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