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Unforgettable Experiences …From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me--holy is his name. Luke 1:48b-49. If you stop for a moment to reflect back over the journey you have already traveled, surely you can recall a few experiences that are unforgettable. Experiences you have had that you will never forget. Some may have been bad, some good, but you will never forget them. They divide our lives. And periodically, we sit and think back on those experiences. For some of us, it was when we got in big time trouble. Some of us may remember something horrible we did that had terrible consequences and yet, it was the beginning of our turning around. What about some of the experiences we have had in our lives in which God delivered us? Consider the case of two men walking down the street and one man is fatally shot while the other survives. It is an experience that the survivor will, no doubt, never forget. Or the all too common occurrence of four people riding in an automobile colliding with an oncoming car and three are killed while one walks away without a scratch. Unforgettable! Sometimes, God let us experience things to get our attention. It does not matter how cool you think you are, how stony your heart is, or how hard and tough you may be. God will send an experience by that will shake your very foundation. Sometimes, we think we have got it made and need to be reminded of our mortality. We are finite, decaying flesh and blood. We are not iron or steel and we are not super humans. Well, when you look back, what have been your experiences? Have you ever been delivered? When you were delivered, who did you thank? Who do you thank when you get the victory? Do you stick your chest out and think it was something you accomplished on your own? Who do you thank? Yourself? Prayer Break: My Lord and my God, whom I worship and adore. You have been my life support and have delivered me from so many situations. O God of mercy, I, your unworthy servant, entreat your ancient grace and seek your present favor. Forgive my sins and keep me safe in your care; through the precious and saving blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. About the Author: Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. You have an open invitation to visit us at AMEN Ministries for reviewing spiritual services being offered, obtain spiritual refreshing and soul edification, get your daily dose of humor, browse our newly expanded Stop & Shop Webstore and to visit our prayer sanctum for quiet time with God.