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Moments Of Truth Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. Psalm 139:7-8. In this passage, the crown of the Psalter, the Old Testament reaches the highest conception of the relationship that exists between God and man. And this relationship is here marked not as one of comfort, security and peace, but of terror, discontent and bewilderment as stumbling, foolish man seeks some road of possible escape from the unblinking, unchanging, wakeful eye of Almighty God. But deep within ourselves, we know that the god we have deluded ourselves into believing in is not the true God. Sometimes in the quiet of the night or in the midst of prayer, we know that we have caricatured God. Regardless of how we live, in the deepest recess of our minds, we know that what we sow, we do reap. We know that whatever kind of bread we cast upon the waters will return to us. We know that there is an unbending moral law which men and nations of men do not ultimately escape. We know that God’s justice and wrath and condemnation move increasingly upon our soft and accommodating ways. We see our excuses, rationalizations, and alibis for what they are. In these fleeting moments, we remember our wasted hours, our cowardice and our deafness to human pain—and we know that judgment day is real and that every day is judgment day, even today. It is only during these moments of truth that we begin to comprehend that the cry of the psalmist is our cry. Prayer Break: Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God, there is no hiding from you. You know me better than I know myself. You know my every word before I speak it, my every thought, before I think it and my every act before I execute it. Yet, you still love me and accept me. Shape me O Lord, and mold me according to your will and I will be careful to give you all glory and praise; through the blood of the sacrificial Lamb, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. About the Author: Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, veteran social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. You have an open invitation to visit us at AMEN Ministries for reviewing spiritual services being offered, obtain spiritual refreshing and soul edification, get your daily dose of humor, browse our newly expanded Stop & Shop Webstore and to visit our prayer sanctum for quiet time with God.