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How to Get Started Now
You may be well on your way to success and have many of the qualities of the self made millionaire, but it is more likely for most readers that there is a lot of work to be done.
What stops most people from becoming successful isn't the difficulties they meet along the way, it isn't a lack of brainpower, it isn't that they don't have the necessary experience or ability, what stops most people is that they never get around to taking the first step.
There are many different proverbs from many different cultures that are along the lines of the journey of one thousand miles starts with the first step, yet most people don't seem to listen to that advice.
There are many reasons for this.
Perhaps the most common reason is fear of failure. "What if I really gave it my best shot and it didn't work?"
For many people there is some comfort in not testing themselves. They can always say that they could have been successful if they had chosen to really put their energies into it.
If, on the other hand, you do give it everything and it doesn't work then what do you have to cling to? If you give it your best shot and fail then you have to admit to yourself that you don't have what it takes and that could be devastating.
In order to overcome this fear of failure you have to develop the faith that, even if you initially fail, there is always some way to become successful if you just learn enough and do enough. Failure only means that you have to learn and do a bit more.
Sometimes the thing that stops people from starting their success journey isn't a fear of failing but rather it is that they feel overwhelmed by the amount of learning or the amount of work that they may have to do in order to reach their ultimate goal.
This is particularly common for people who have developed the habit of being detail oriented.
The best way to overcome that resistance to starting is to find the simplest, smallest step that you can do and then do it. Pick something so simple that you can't possibly not do it. The smaller the better.
Rather than trying to analyse the whole journey (which is impossible anyway) the detail oriented person will find it better if they just keep two steps ahead of where they are. They decide on a step to take and then look at the various, likely outcomes and decide what they would do next for each of those outcomes. Then they take that first, simple step.
By focusing on this two step approach they can overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed by thoughts of a huge task.
Keep following the two step system and keep the steps small and unthreatening. As you successfully achieve each step it will build your confidence so that you can take slightly larger steps and bit by bit increase your confidence to the point where virtually nothing scares you enough to halt your progress.
Conditioning the success mind is a little like doing weight training. You start with the easy weights and add a little more as your strength increases. If you are patient enough and disciplined enough then over time you gain enormous strength relative to your starting point, but each day or each week has been a gradual increase over the previous one.
What is the simple, non threatening, easy first step that you can take today to get your success campaign up and running?
About the Author: James Delrojo would like to help you by giving you his ebook "Unleash the Success Power of Your Mind" (valued at ) completely FREE. Go to