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How Many Wrong Turns Have You Made?

If you are like most people, you have done precious little to make meaningful change in your personal life.

Most of us accept what is handed to us, and if it does not work out we return to our root thoughts or beliefs to look for answers. This is observable as the world at large has not changed very much in centuries. You do not have to accept this observation-traditionally most people will ignore any scrutiny of their belief systems. So you would be with the majority, and for some that is comforting. The figures don't lie.

Traditional belief systems, religions, have remained constant for a very long time. Thirty three percent of the world's religious community is Christian, 21% is Islam, 14% is Hinduism, 6% primal-indigenous, 6% Chinese traditional, 6% Buddhism, .36% Sikhism, .22% Judaism. These figures waver somewhat as people shuffle back and forth between religions trying to find answers. The remaining figure of 16% which is nonreligious is the alarming figure. If religion has brought us this far, and apparently most people do not like where it has brought us, the nonreligious figure should be rising.

It is our root thoughts, our beliefs of what and who we are that determines how we will evolve and how quickly. When in doubt or in times of stress or trauma, we all turn to these beliefs. Yet in doing so we end up at the same place, the same conditions and circumstances of our life are not changing.

The analogy would be that of being lost and asking a stranger for directions. Those directions lead us back to that person. We ask again and get the same directions time and time again and still return to the stranger for guidance. The stranger is no longer a stranger. Because he is now familiar and we have established a rapport with him, we ask more questions-why are you giving me the wrong directions. He says he is not-it is your fault because you do not know how to follow them, or because you have not tipped him. So you set out once again and end up back to him. This stranger is clever in that he knows that all roads lead back to him, and no matter what turns you make you will come back to him. And his answer will always be the same-you made the wrong turn.

What would you call it if you repeated this cycle two times? What if you repeated this cycle for more than 2000 years-what would you call this behaviour? If after a million years you are still going around in circles and you are getting the same advice, what would think? Is there something wrong with the advice you are getting or is it you. What do you think of a person that is not getting or going where they say they want to go, and they turn to the same source for advice? What do you tell this person, if they come to you and ask why? Are they really stupid because they can't follow directions or that they keep going to the same source for advice?

What would you think or say to this person when you make him aware of the fact that he is getting poor advice-he turns to you and says that his source has never let him down-he is always there for you? What would you do when you can clearly see the solution and yet this person is blinded by it? When you tell this person that the advice is flawed and he returns to his source and asks him about your advice-what do you think his source is going to tell him? The source will tell this man that he truly is lost and he should not be tempted by outside sources, that he should clear his mind and start over and begin his journey again down the same road. Is it clear to you that this person has a nail in one foot and is going in circles? Why can't he see that?

Most people would call this little story ridiculous, that no one would be that stupid-this person must be insane.

Now let's put this into perspective. Eighty Four percent of the world is religious. About the same percentage believe that the world is heading in the wrong direction, and it has been going this way for centuries. About 84% of the world gets their core beliefs from religious sources that are taking the world in the wrong direction. Is there a common denominator between the two stories? Would you dare to call religious people insane? Is there not a plague of insanity put upon the world?

Even after reading this, most people will deny the correlation. They may even try to figure it out, but they will return to their source for guidance. They will pick up their holy texts and try to get the same advice, because it is familiar, it is comforting and most people are willing to take what is handed them for a measure of comfort. Most people will not do anything different than what they are doing now after reading this article. And I can prove it once you have finished reading it. You are my proof, you are my challenge. You will dismiss this whole thing, put it on ignore and pretend that you never read it. And you will prove that I am correct in my observations.

Most people take what is handed to them in life and will do very little to change their basic philosophy or circumstances of their personal life!

Where is the sanity in what you are doing? Why are you compelled to repeat the process over and over again? What kind of drugs are you on?

If what I have written were not so, the 16% nonreligious portion would be much higher. You must change your source of advice if you want to move farther along in your spiritual development. You must begin to think outside the box to change the outcome of what you are experiencing. You have that power-you always have. You do not explore the alternatives because you have been taught to believe that there are none. See the insanity for what it is, and choose to move away from it. You can't keep turning to the same sources and expect to get different results-that is the insanity that I am talking about. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with what you are doing if it is your desire to continually be going around in circles. Then what you are doing is appropriate. You are not insane and what you are doing makes perfectly good sense. Leave the nail exactly where it is-you will be comforted.

About the Author: Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A published author, a student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker, Teacher and Phenomenologist. Roy's books and articles are thought provoking, and designed to empower your imagination, and take you to places you would never have thought about.

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