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Holistic Manifesting--Include Everything In Your Creations
Many of us create poorly because we do not include the whole picture into the results of what we desire.
There is a story of a man that dreamed of a successful business. He had worked for a company for 9 years and learned his trade very well. He enjoyed the work, but had his own ideas of how the company should be operated. He had progressive ideas and wanted to explore their potential.
This man had a wonderful life and lived comfortably with his adoring wife and three young children in a middle class neighbourhood. Life was comfortable, but he did not feel fulfilled. His ideas for a successful business were on his mind most of the day and the thoughts followed him into his dream sleep.
The man was a very positive thinker and had created a dream-come-true model of the good life. His life flowed fairly easily and he most often got what he wanted. His dreams of a happy life had been manifested well and he was proud of what he had created. He knew the power of positive thinking and it showed at work and home.
His dream of owning and operating his own successful business started manifesting itself, and opportunity brought with it the chance to realize his dream. For six years he worked hard, and put in countless hours and devotion to establish a successful consulting firm. He owned his own building and had more than 40 people working for him with annual sales in the millions.
As he sat on the bench seat in the well groomed park that rested just beneath his fourth floor office-he thought about the future of his company. Would the new owners keep it in tact, would they run it successfully as he had over the last 24 years? Would it prosper and be there for the next 24 years.
His eyes welled with tears as he raised himself from the bench and deposited his empty bottle of rum into the garbage container.
The man created his dream with only one thing in mind-the success of the business. His thoughts were not holistic-he did not include his wife, children or friends into the whole picture. In fact they never entered his mind as he was imagining and creating his dream. He had established strong relations with those around him and never considered that they would not be part of his success. He also left out his own personal health and well being, out of the dream.
He was successful, and manifested his dream exactly as he had imagined it-what went wrong?
Humanity has such awesome power to manifest all the things that it desires. What man is lacking is the knowledge of the connection with another aspect of himself which lies within his subconscious mind-the spirit. Spirit comes to this earth in a physical body to experience a unique aspect of physical life that can only done through an individualized aspect of self-the human body. The human mind is the switch that turns on the power of spirit to create all that the soul desires to experience.
We can not judge the man because we do not know what it is that his soul wanted to experience-neither did he. His circumstances were created by the choices that were brought to him by spirit. Because he lost site of the happiness that he already had and did not include it in his plans-it left him. In manifesting his dream, he forgot the purpose of those dreams and left out the most important elements of his life that had demonstrated his satisfaction and happiness in life-his family and friends.
He created success without happiness and lost all that he had.
Holistic manifesting takes forethought and purpose. The power of intent must be clear, and include all the elements that one wishes to experience when he has successfully created his dream.
You may manifest the experience of having 31 million dollars in your bank account. If you have not included this expression as a result of being happy, then you will not experience being happy when you have created the money.
This is one of the most difficult aspects of creating on demand on a conscious level. We forget why we are creating, and that we actually have the power to create all that we desire. We think too small, and do not include all that we desire in the dream that we wish to manifest.
If we say we want a relationship because it will make us happy, we may well find ourselves in a relationship where we are miserable. However if we say we want a relationship that reflects the happiness that we already feel, we will experience one.
If we say that we want success without including the fulfillment of our happiness, we will experience success without fulfillment.
We are poor manifestors on a conscious level because we do not know what it is that we really want. What is the root reason for our dreams and desires? They must be included in the dream and the results in order to be a successful manifestor. We do not take enough time to find out what our desires are, why we are here and what it is that we want to experience. We often try to live up to the expectations of others as to what is successful, and we then loose sight of our own.
Successful manifesting must be holistic and take in the whole picture. Like an architect of a major building project-he is successful when all the elements have been considered and installed in his finished project.
When you consider that you want .00 to go out and buy a banana split-why not manifest .00 and you will have a surplus of .00. Think bigger. Better still, just think about the banana split and some one will come around and buy it for you, then you won't need the .00.
When you become more practiced at it-just think about what it is that you desire and the opportunity will be drawn to you. There is less chance that you will screw it all up by thinking too much. Stay focused on the end result-the taste of the banana split. Once you are really experienced at manifesting, you will never thing about surpluses-you will always have what you desire-now!
Always keep in mind that everything you do is a step towards creating what you desire. Think of it always as a "step" and never allow yourself a different thought. You will not manifest what you desire if you keep changing your mind, or if you look at each step as one in the wrong direction. Where you once might have thought that turning left would get you where you want to go and turning right would take you away-know that you will always get there. Don't try to outguess the universe. Turning right will bring to you, an opportunity, because at the very least-it is an opportunity to recognize a mistake and turn around. The delay will be purposeful in your journey-a step in the right direction.
Delays, wrong turns, unexpected results are ALL STEPS-they are opportunities-recognize them and keep moving.
Think holistically in your manifesting. All things must be included and recognized for what they are. You will always get what you desire-discipline the mind and get in contact with what it is that you truly desire. Never loose sight that, you are always moving in the right direction-manifest holistically!
About the Author: Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A published author, a student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker, Teacher and Phenomenologist. Roy's books and articles are thought provoking, and designed to empower your imagination, and take you to places you would never have thought about. Authors and Publishers visit our new article Directory at
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