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The Shocking Truth About MLM: What Your Upline Doesn't Tell You!
I'm sure you could name somebody you know that has been involved in an MLM/Network Marketing opportunity at some point. Maybe YOU have been involved! The lure of quick wealth and freedom attracts many, with good reason... who doesn't want all these things that make life worth living?
However there are some serious lies being told by the industry that need to get laid out on the table once and for all. I firmly believe that MLM works, because I am a success myself. But I had to trudge through all the mainstream lies before I decided to take a different path and take responsibility for my success.
Now let me say this - there are many people involved in MLM at any one time. Of this large group - I'd say about 5% are making a real comfortable lifestyle from it. You may have heard the saying that '90% of the wealth is controlled by 10% of the people' .. is it just luck? From my experiences, certainly NOT!
Every successful, self made person has struggled through frustration and setbacks to continously get back on their feet and try again. Whenever you see the 'ultra-successful' people in your particular organisation get up on stage - you can be guaranteed that behind the shiny gloss of their new found success - there are months and months and more likely years of mistakes and learning hidden away. But is all this worth it in the end? I'd say yes.
So it's an important point to make that the 5% who are making it big, are doing things very differently to the 95% who are struggling to just break even. Do you agree? If you're still saying there is luck involved - let me say that 'luck' is just preparation met with opportunity.
So what are the 5% doing that the average Joe isn't then? That's an important question, one that I couldn't totally cover in a single article. I do however cover each difference in great detail in my free newsletter - which you can subscribe to at the bottom of this article.
But let me just get you inspired, and make you realise there is a smart way to work this industry!
First and foremost - here is a great thing that the BIG MLM'ers do that always ensures their businesses grow.
If you are doing something that isn't working ... STOP DOING IT! It's insane to keep repeating it and expecting a different result. This is a simple one, but so many people don't actually apply the strategy!
Secondly - the majority of MLM'ers make their '100 list', this is the list of everyone you know, that may be interested in your business opportunity / product. I say this is a ridiculous process. How many of you has this actually for? By 'worked for' I mean did you sign up at least 20 of those 100 people? Chances are you didn't because these people weren't in your target market!
The 5%'ers sit down and take time to determine their ideal target market - these are people who are likely to be genuinely interested in your business/product. When you've determined who these people are, you can take your message to them and an overwhelming majority will at least be interested in what you have to say - rather than slamming the door in your face or laughing at you.
To find your target market - sit down with a pad and paper. Ask yourself, who would BENEFIT from my product? , who already buys similar products? And so on.
If you use this one strategy within your business - I guarantee you'll add dozens of happy, loyal customers to your business in the next few months.
I have many more powerful strategies that you can discover, if you join my free MLM newsletter.
About the Author: Sean Williams is a successful MLM rep, and publishes a free industry newsletter to help others succeed in their own businesses. Grab your free subscription here: