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A little bit about gambling It is tough to pin-point when casinos originated. However, the Chinese recorded the first account of gambling in 2300 B.C. From Mythology to world history, gambling has been recorded in almost every society. Be it Rome, Greece, France or England- countries across the globe have been witnessing the game of chance for a very long time. The French are credited with inventing playing cards in 1387. In the year 1440, Johann Gutenberg of Germany printed the first full deck of cards. Several present-day gambling games have been derived from previous ones. In the sixteenth century, the French working class became adept at the Egyptian game of roulette. Napoleon liked the card game vingt-et-un-which has come to be known as blackjack or twenty-one. The popular dice-throwing game of craps is attributed to the English who developed a diversion called hazard. Poker games are believed to have been originated from a combination of several ancient influences including Persian, Italian, and English games of chance. Origin of offline casinos The first European colonists brought with them an affinity for games of chance. Cockfighting, horse racing and county-sponsored lotteries led to an interest of people towards betting. Lotteries witnessed an immense popularity and generated enough money to fuel many civic projects. As the betting fever swept the United States, gambling houses and halls soon became commonplace. Believe it or not, even George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were known for printing and selling playing cards. Near the start of the American Revolution, almost every house boasted of at least one deck of playing cards. The modern-day casinos slowly evolved from gambling houses and today witness a transaction of millions of dollars every day. States like Las Vegas have become synonymous with casinos. Get lucky on the computer As the World Wide Web increasingly penetrates more and more homes, and offers an array of services, casinos also have found a place on computer screens. Online casinos have witnessed a never before popularity and phenomenal growth. Thanks to the fact that a good game is just a few clicks away, more and more people are visiting online casinos. Visit any search engine and you would witness scores of sites promising a good game online. As more and more on-line casino sites come into existence, people have started demanding a certain standard. Now they want to play at a site that promises responsible gaming, fairness and privacy. At www.dollaronlinecasino.com all these characteristics can be taken for granted. The last five years have seen the on-line casinos grow substantially. Today there are hundreds online casinos where you can test your luck. The majority of online casinos are based in Costa Rica, Caribbean, Australia, London, South Africa and Israel. Several factors can be attributed to the ever increasing popularity of online casinos. They offer the players the ease and security of being able to play their favorite game from anywhere in world. Online casinos have witnessed an amazing technological sophistication which make for a never-before customer experience. Games people play Online Blackjack -Quite similar to the normal blackjack except the fact that you can play it on the computer. Thanks to the rapid technological advancement of online casinos, several softwares like Flash, Java and others are used to play this game. Quite a many online casinos even offer flash blackjack, java blackjack or some other form of the popular game. Online Poker - You simply cannot ignore the popularity of online poker. Not just in the United States but people from around the world don't mind a good game of online poker. Some of the poker games that have witnessed a ready acceptability from online users include texas hold'em and video poker among others. Online Slots - This too is a popular game that witnesses participation from across the globe. Several online casinos offer online slots. Online Roulette - Considered quite an easy game to play, this is very popular with people who don't have much gambling experience. Online Keno - The last few years have seen getting this game more and more popular. Online Lotto - Online casinos have seen many people play online Lotto. Online Bingo - This game's popularity can be attributed to the fact that people are quite familiar with playing bingo in many other ways. Sport Betting - Sports Book - Yes, you can bet on just about any sport online at one of the many online sports books. Online Horse Race Betting - Thanks to online casinos, now you can bet on horse racing from all the major horse racing tracks around the world. So, game for some fun? About the Author: The author, Brian Hover, is a well- known online gambling specialist and has been lending his expertise and experience to the Internet gambling industry since 1997. Having studied the scope and potential of secure online gambling alternatives, Brian has been instrumental in providing a number of secure online gambling portals like www.dollaronlinecasino.com. The portal is known for the number of popular gambling options, along with the security and reliability it offers.