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Finding the Best Binoculars for You Selecting the right bird watching binoculars can be difficult. The market offers so many options and the prices vary so dramatically. But don't worry; you don't have to spend several thousand dollars to get decent birding binoculars. Knowing what features are necessary and what is required of a good binocular for birding you can find one at a reasonable price. What is essential for good bird watching binoculars? Even though you don't need top of the line binoculars, like over thousand dollars Swarovski optics, there are several requirements for good birding binoculars. Otherwise, a birder will not be satisfied with his or her binoculars and will end up buying a pair of new ones anyway. Ideal birding binoculars must:
Even though you can save a lot by buying your binoculars online, start your selection in local optics shops. Tell the sales person what your requirements are and ask to suggest a good but not too expensive pair of binoculars. Try looking at several items by different brands. Finding a good pair is actually a very individual experience, so only you can decide what feels good for you. Please don't get me wrong, when I say that a birder doesn't need most expensive binoculars, I don't mean to suggest that you should buy the cheapest available. This actually would be a very bad idea. More expensive binoculars provide higher quality optics. Good optics means quality image of your birds. Most suitable binoculars for birding are middle priced. Not the top range, but not fewer than 100 dollars deals other. Also it always pays off to go with a reputable brand. For birders best brands are Nikon, Cannon and Bushnell. Binoculars that birders should avoid Zoom binoculars are not very good for bird watchers, the quality of image they provide can be better. Standard binoculars give better quality picture. Binoculars that focus each eye separately are no good ether. They will simply take too long to focus, these type is usually used for boating when waterproof is an issue. Fixed focus binoculars is also not a good choice, they don't provide enough focus over the range of distances. After trying several binoculars you will probably find a model that suits you best. Take a note of the brand and exact model, then search for it online. You might find it for a price much lower than the local shop offers. About the Author: Tanya Turner is a publisher of Binoculars Guide . This is an online magazine for bird lovers and nature observers. Find more tips on selecting birding and fishing binoculars, as well as binoculars for boating