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Start a Soap Business - Your Best Way!
You can turn you interest in handcrafted soap into a soap business fairly quickly and easily. Your soap business can be fun and profitable too. First, of course, you must master the art of how to make soap. But once you have your soap making perfected, you probably want to make more. What can you do with it? It makes great gifts, of course. But why not start a soap business? There is a brisk demand for handcrafted soap. But how can you find those buyers? There are several ways. I think the best way to start a soap business is to sell at craft fairs. So your soap business is a craft business. If you pick the right craft fair, you can sell a lot of product in a short period of time. That's very efficient. My family sold over 35,000 bars of soap part-time over about four years. We sold over ,000 in products in a weekend several times. That's about 500 bars of soap in a weekend. You might not do that well or you might do better. The other huge advantage of craft fairs is the follow-up sales. Your soap business can grow from the follow-up repeat sales after the craft fairs. You can build a mail order and catalog sales business from your craft fair contacts. You can build an internet soap business too. But your initial customers can be those face-to-face contacts at craft fairs! Start a soap business using craft fairs and you may be surprised how fast you succeed. Using this base as a start you can expand with many other marketing methods. About the Author: Al Bullington has made and sold soap for years through his family soap business. For information about what he's learned visit http://www.soapbizkit.com .