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Want To Buy Fossils Wisely?
When looking to buy fossils to create or add to your collection it is advantageous to have some information about the fossils you want and the dealers you are buying from.
Remember, When you buy fossils, price alone does not a bargain make. The quality, size, and variety have to be similar to make this rule of thumb work. Interview The Shop Owner That sounds kind of formal doesn't it. This is really an informal process. Just talk to the owner of the shop. Why are they in this business? Often you will find that they have a geology or palentology background. This is a good sign, though there are lots of good dealers out there with no formal training. A passion for fossils, rocks, or earth science is the key component to a good dealer. How long have they been in business? Do they stand behind their sales and sales claims? The bigger the price tag the more you need to know about your dealer. Some fossil pieces cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. This is a major investment! Do some research. About the Author: Claudia Mann is a teacher, and a contributor to http://www.fossils-facts-and-finds.com where you can read more about how to buy fossils. Claudia and her husband own http://www.fossilicious.com a place where you can find a unique gift ideas, classroom fossils, or something special for yourself.