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Using Groundbait
Groundbaiting have often been thought to be the secret weapon in fishing. Many fisherman tend to keep their groundbait recipes a secret as they believe it gives them an edge on there fellow fishers. Although certain mixes have been known to be very productive towards particular fish, it does not guarantee you a successful fishing trip. Keep in mind that groundbaiting is only effective as an additional weapon in a fisherman's arsenal.
Now that you have a basic idea of how and why groundbaiting works when fishing, let's look at some examples for using grounbait for different types of fish. Lets use the Bream and Roach fish as our examples. The Bream will represent those fish that eat mainly from the water and the Roach will represent the ones that prefer to eat about midwater. The grounbait that we will use will differ in how they break up or dissolve in the water. Since we will find the fish like the Bream at the bottom, it is important to make the mixes nice and sticky so they take a longer time to release the bait. However, for fish that feed like the Roach, we will want a mix that breaks within a couple of minutes. Once again we will rely on the knowledge of P. Kuortti to show us some examples of mixes: "Over the course of the years I have developed these two mixes that I rely on today. The best advantage for me in making my own groundbait is that I can avoid ingredients that I am allergic to. These include fennel for example, the worst ingredient to me. I like this sport so much that I want to be able to do it in future too, so I do not want my allergies to get any worse from what they are now." "My basic mix for Bream is the following:"
"That recipe creates a rather binding mix that takes rather long to break on the bottom and is capable of carrying lots of loose particles down to bottom. It is a sweet tasting mix with a light brown/yellowish color. This Mix needs to be wetted preferably an hour or two before fishing to prevent it from popping up like a cork when you throw it in water. This mix sucks lots of water in it and if you wet it too hastily then you get floaters." "For Roach I use this mix:"
"This mix gives a light, dark brown color groundbait that breaks up fast in water. The greasy ingredients make particles of the groundbait to rise upwards from the bottom and thus attract fish (cloud)." Don't miss John Dee's article on Using GPS for Fishing About the Author: John Dee also writes articles in other subjects such as Camping, Health and Search Engine Optimization