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Laryngitis -Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Laryngitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Definition Laryngitis is define as an inflammation of larynx (voice box) due to overuse, irritation or infection generally associated with hoarseness or loss of voice.The larynx is the part of voice. When speak, two membranes in the larynx - the vocal cords - vibrate to produce sound. It is a structure for supportingthe cartilage, muscles and mucous membranes that forms the entrance of windpipe. Due to laryngitis, vocal cords become inflamed or irritated. They swell, causing distortion of the sounds made by air passing over them. As a result, voice sounds hoarse .Viral infection of the upper airways is the most common cause of laryngitis , such as the common cold. Excessive use of the voice up to long time, an allergic reaction, and inhalation of irritants such as cigarette smoke can cause acute or chronic laryngitis. Causes Laryngitis generally occurs from too much screaming & yelling. Even a lot of loud singing can irritate the vocal cords and produce laryngitis. When vocal cords become inflamed and swollen, they can't function properly & voice may sound hoarse and may sometimes block the airway. Virus infection is the most common kind to produced laryngitis . It may also be produced by a bacterial infection or a common cold , bronchitis , flu , or pneumonia . Fungal laryngitis is generally seen in the immunocompromised or those taking inhaled steroids. There are numerous forms of laryngitis appear in children and can cause dangerous or fatal respiratory blockage. Croup & epiglottitis are some of them. Other reasons of laryngitis include allergies and wound to the area. Symptoms Symptoms of laryngitis generally occurs as an unnatural change of voice, such as hoarseness, or even loss of voice that grows within hours to a day or so. The throat may experience haptic sensation or feel raw. Its sign vary with the condition of the inflammation.Mild fever, problem in swallowing, discomfort feeling , and a sore throat may appear in complex infections. There are other symptoms of the laryngitis may be included:
Treatments Virus infection is the most common kind to produced laryngitis & treatment with antibiotics may not cure. Resting the voice may help to ebb the inflammation of the vocal cords .A humidifier and warm showers may abate the scratchy experience that comes with laryngitis. Using extra fluids such as tea or a honey lemon drink, and inhaling steam relieve symptoms and help healing. In symptoms associated with laryngitis a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as Ibuprofen and aspirin mitigate the fever . It will be better to take cough drops to reduce the inflammation of the vocal cords. A tea of gingerroot can use to mollify swelling of the vocal chords and relieve disorders. About the Author: Steve Mathew is a writer, who writes many great articles on conditions, diseases and various other ailments. For more information on microsporidiosis, visit http://www.health-diseases.org.