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Finding a Natural Stress Relief
Consider where you naturally turn for stress relief. Is it a bar, the TV or Krispy Kreme. Many of the places and things people turn to for stress relief are not natural stress relief.
A Healthy Lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle can give natural stress relief. Ways to find natural stress relief include eating good healthy food, spending time with friends and getting some enjoyable exercise and fresh air.
You should have a diet that is complex in carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables while being low in fat to have a good, healthy diet. Any fat you eat should be “good” fat, or foods that are rich in omega-3 oils and antioxidants.
People talked about the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet a few years ago. There was less cardiovascular disease and cancer in people who lived in Mediterranean countries than the people in the US, even though they have more fat and calories in their diets. It was found that the Mediterranean diet consisted of plenty of complex carbs, fruits, vegetables and monosaturated omega-3 oils. In addition they had a little nice red wine which is high in antioxidants along with love and laughter, time spent with family and friends. That is a recipe for natural stress relief.
Natural stress relief can also be gained by enjoyable exercise. This doesn’t mean goal oriented or competitive exercise. Rather it means a nice walk in the evening, skiing on a sunny winter day or just tossing a Frisbee with the kids. With these exercises you don’t have to monitor your pulse or worry about the amount of time spent exercising. While doing something that moves your body you simply need to relax and enjoy yourself.
Natural stress relief can also be provided through loving relationships and spiritual practices. In fact the most important factors in developing stress resistance are friendships and spirituality.
Health Care and Natural Stress Relief
Some you may still be stressed out even when living a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes you will need help to deal with the large amount of stress in life. Sometimes you may need to find help from a health care provider.
Natural methods and remedies aren’t very big in traditional western medicine. When getting help for stress from a physician they may have some good ideas about lifestyle changes, but typically anything they prescribe to help the situation won’t be natural.
Natural stress relief methods are more likely to be used by alternative health care providers. To help relax your muscles and make sure your spine is adjusted there are massage therapists and chiropractors. Scents that are most likely to help relieve your stress can be found through aroma therapists. To help relieve stress you can also consider color therapy since some color are soothing and others are stressful. You can get advice about stress relieving plants through herbalists.
A naturopath is an alternative practitioner who uses a full range of therapies for natural stress relief. Just like doctors, naturopaths go to four years of professional school and many of them are also certified medical doctors. Physical therapies, herbs, nutritional therapy and many other methods are used by naturopaths to help you deal with your stress. Perhaps the best aspect is the fact that they help teach you what you uniquely need to learn so you can find natural stress relief.
The foundation of natural stress relief is living a healthy lifestyle. To deal with stress your physician can help too. However, an alternative care practitioner may be the best answer if you are looking for natural stress relief.
About the Author: Matthew Keegan is an Expert on Natural Stress Relief.