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Boot Camp for Coffee Drinkers
Ok, so we go to a local coffee house and we order cappuccinos, café mochas, lattes and espressos. It isn’t the paper cups that make these drinks taste so good. It’s the recipe and of course the prettiness factor. Baristas all have a style of their own and every cup will taste different because of the roast, the grind, the amount used, the water, the temperature and many other things. We have all tried to make these coffee delights at home the way we think they are made, but do we really know the real way they are supposed to be made to extract the enchanting flavors correctly? Here is a quick list of how to make the basic drinks. This is boot camp for coffee drinkers.
All in all, making coffee correctly is all up to you and the way your flavor buds react to the taste. If you like it a particular way, then make it that particular way. However, if you have guests over they may just like the basics. So do yourself a favor and learn the correct way to make lattes and espressos. About the Author: Kate Simpson is quietly coming to terms with her addiction to chocolate-covered coffee beans. She is also a regular contributing writer for coffeebeanqueen.com – an excellent site for coffee lovers, with information about coffee makers, coffee bean classification, grinding tips and so much more.