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At the present time the UK market is being invaded by the newly prised organic nurture, such as products like . It’s ascending at such a fast rate, that it is to be expected that the market will become entirely conquered by the new ingenious products. The latest figures indicate a healthy growth of organic products in the recently ended year. The phenomenon is viewed as so important, that it has appeared in numerous headlines al around Great Britain. Statistics offered by TNS data published by the Milk Development Council show a staggering 28% increase, which represents 25 million litres of organic milk on the British market in the months up to November, which is something to raise the eyebrows. The main cause for this radical rise comes from the studies that indicate benefits for health if consuming organic food. Lately the news about these sought after properties of the products that make them tempting to consume have also made the headlines. People really expect to be healthier if consuming such food. Yet, despite this ever growing tendency on the market, some sources are criticising this movement and manifest disbelief in the effects of the organic, newly produced milk and food. For example, the UK minister of environment, David Milibant specified, in an interview offered to the Sunday Times that the difference in quality between organic and conventional food simply doesn’t exist. It’s only a thing of personal option if you go on one diet or the other, none is better than the other. His considerations have undergone the attacks of the Soil Association, a partisan of the theory that organic food is more beneficial. The officials there believe that not only is the organic “menu” recommendable for health but it also leads to a more sustainable, less polluted environment, since the lack of pesticides and other chemical substances makes pollution rates decline. The government officials take a more political and economical approach on the problem. They state that to declare organic food preferable to the now standard one will cause 96 per cent of the country’s food products to be labelled as under the standards required. This would have then undesirable effects on the food industry. A recent research on organic products conducted by Britain’s Food Standard Agency unveiled a nutritional difference between organic milk and the more standard one, yet claims that this difference means it is healthier lacked. The study only found omega-3 fatty acids in higher amounts in the organic brand an that’s all. A place where organic milk sales have been at their highest in the last year is Tesco. Here, up to 45% of such products sold have carried the organic label. It has announced a 400₤ annual pay to keep the thing going. The most important aspect is that consumers are more and more tempted to try the new organic products and if this process will continue slowly so that the market will have the time to adapt the impact on it will not be so great, since in the future organic food may slowly become the standard.
About the Author: organic wines