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Coffee reduce the risk of chronic liver disease A study published recently in the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) magazine Gastroenterology found out that people at high risk for liver disease might be able to reduce their risk for rising chronic liver disease significantly by way of drinking more than two cups of coffee daily. This preventative effect was mainly seen in people at higher risk for liver disease due to high intake of alcohol, being overweight or people with diabetes or people with iron overload. This purpose of study was to take a forthcoming look at the rapport between coffee consumption and chronic liver disease in the universal U.S. population. In this study population included 9,859 participants whose coffee intake was evaluated and who were also followed for a median of 19 years. In this analysis, coffee intake was measured by way of cups, ranging from 0 to 16 cups per day with an average of two cups per day. This showed that those who consumed more than two cups of coffee per day have less chances of chronic liver disease. Over the last few years, there has actually been a rising body of proof that coffee decreases the risk of eminent liver enzymes, cirrhosis and with liver cancer. This study provides support for a caring effect of coffee on the chronic liver disease and also on cirrhosis, and extends these findings to the general U.S. population. However, the study does not provide aggregate evidence that coffee protect against chronic liver disease from individual causes, such as fatty liver disease or may be with viral hepatitis. About the Author: Adam Akelis is a professional copywriter who has a sound knowledge on coffee all time favorite drink. Not only Adam, there are lot of coffee lovers all over the world interested in knowing the benefits on coffee intake. To know more on coffee, its types roasted coffee, gourmet coffee etc.. and its benefits please visit http://www.bluehillcoffee.com and to contact Adam Akelis adamakelis@gmail.com.