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I don’t know about your state fair, but mine is of the sort that dreams are made of. I mean, good grief, it’s the Great Minnesota Get Together. I’m a big fan of the unlimited glass of milk, the bust of the Minnesota of the Year carved out of butter and for sure you’ll find me spending a lot of time at the freak show displays; it actually was one of the few things that my father and I did together in my formative years. And, of course, everybody goes nuts about the food, like the deep fried snickers bar on a stick. Culinary genius. As good as it tastes, to be honest I’m pretty sure that its not very healthy and I also think that its probably not a very impressive culinary feat. However, it does have great popular support and is momentarily very satisfying. About the Author: Miguel Ruiz is an experienced internet author with many published articles in many different languages. Check out Oportunidades de Negocio and Montar un Negocio for more.