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How to get your business from the kitchen table to the boardroom
Challenging Tips for Explosive Growth in Any Business or How to Get Your Business From The Kitchen Table to The Boardroom. Fact: This article will not of benefit to everyone. This article is ‘Highly targeted’. It is directed specifically to those business people who:
If none of these apply to you, if you have no serious financial ambition and you are financially content then there is really no need to read on. As a result of what I am about to show you, expect to discover more people than you ever imagined who are looking to buy or use your product or service. Remember that you are running a business so the first rule of business applies, and that is to advertise, advertise, and then advertise some more. Advertising can be quantified and qualified. Quality advertising will yield good results. Large-scale intensive quality advertising will yield outstanding results. But the cost of these ventures can be anything from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. How does a small home-based business cope with such an outlay? How to Raise Money: Get a few like-minded entrepreneurs like yourself. Pool together however much or however little money you have together. Do NOT use this as your advertising budget however. Instead, approach an understanding venture capitalist or a good lender. By applying the principle of gearing and leveraging, you can have multiples of any sum available to you strictly for promotional use. Large scale impressive promotional use. Only ever approach key lending institutions with a full understanding of your industry and the potential of your business. Tips for Advertising your Business to initiate Astounding Explosive Growth. Giving Interviews or ‘An Exercise in Public Relations’ Infomercials Useful Tools For Free – A Tried and Tested Method Intermittent yet persistent appeals e.g. mailing lists featuring ‘auto-responders’ comprising 5 to 8 messages delivered at intervals over a period of several days are also a powerful and effective technique. A third method is the provision of a free service with subliminal advertising affixed, almost as an afterthought. A good example is the ‘tool-bar’ for Internet surfers. A tool-bar is downloaded for free. It is a plug-in for your browser and is designed to enhance and improve your browsing experience. Different tool-bars offer different functions. For instance, with a good tool-bar you can search for any item at all on the web or in your hard-drive without leaving the window that you are working in. Most free tool-bars will also have a direct link to the web-site of the provider where you will find their other goods and services freely available on offer to you for purchase. A good toolbar will remain indefinitely in the surfer’s window and will be discreet yet clearly present for use. Discreet yet clearly present indefinite advertising. Are you a businessperson? Does your business have a tool-bar for free download? Does every ‘cover-disk’ issued alongside computer related publications in your area feature your service as a freely available and useful download? Is there any place for a “YOUR-BUSINESS NAME Toolbar”? Should you aim to place your business tool-bar on the window of every computer user? You can either program the software yourself, or buy, modify and distribute the generic tool-bar software or just pay someone to do it all for you. This is just one example. What other service can you think of that is generally useful and therefore in relative demand by everybody and will have a direct link to your web-site apart from tool-bars? Articles Write an introductory article followed by directions to the source web-site. Your article would be the key item. To create impressive results, the medium in which it would be a feature would have to be carefully selected. An article on business could be sent to Home business or Internet business magazines, the educational section of any business magazine or business section of any educational publication. On-line and Off-line. Have all national local papers featured an educational article on your own business if it has a national reach? In Summary About the Author: Ugo works and trains as an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He also set up runs several successful Internet Businesses including http://www.businessomatic.com/, a resource and guide to any aspiring Entrepreneur. Copyright Ugo Okonkwo http://www.businessomatic.com/. Please reprint or reproduce exactly as is together with resource box.